A census of waterfowl was conducted at Lake Puelo for species conservation.

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In order to preserve the biodiversity of the area, local authorities conducted a census of waterfowl at Lago Puelo. The activity is carried out twice a year.

This allows for a close monitoring of the species that inhabit the aquatic ecosystems of the park.

Waterfowl census at Lago Puelo: the details

The Neotropical Waterfowl Census was carried out at Lago Puelo National Park, an activity that has been conducted twice a year for over a decade.

This allows for a close monitoring of the species that inhabit the aquatic ecosystems of the park, essential for its conservation.

During the census conducted this month, the following data was recorded, as reported by the authorities:

  • North Head: 158 individuals of 53 species
  • El Turbio: 57 individuals of 52 species
  • Desemboque: 81 individuals of 51 species

These results are crucial to better understand the status of waterfowl populations in the region. Additionally, they contribute to the conservation of species and their habitats, providing key information for the management of national parks.

What is Lago Puelo National Park like

This protected area, located in the Patagonian Forests ecoregion, is named after the lake that flows into the Pacific. One of the lowest points in the mountain range is found here: 200 meters above sea level.

The particular climate due to rainfall humidity and marine influence “allows the Valdivian rainforest, thriving in the Chilean mountains, to luxuriantly enter this area,” as described by National Parks.

A family of cauquenes appeared in Lago Puelo.
Lago Puelo.

The plant diversity of the National Park is very unique, as it contains species that are sparsely represented in other protected areas of Argentina, with a variety not found in any other natural area.

Among them, the hazelnut tree (Gevuina avellana), the ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia), the tique or olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum), and the lingue (Persea lingue).

It also has pure pitra or patagua forests, the most extensive cypress forests today, and is one of the three national parks protecting the alerce tree.

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