Guardians of Urban Bees: a specialized organization in rescue

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Black Bee SOS is an organization from Mexico made up of nothing less than “guardians” of urban bees. They specialize in the rescue, rehabilitation, and protection of these city insects.

Led by veterinary doctor Adriana Véliz, they have already carried out more than 600 rescues since their foundation in 2018.

“Bees are not killed, they are rescued,” is the fundamental motto they uphold to carry out their work.

Guardians of Urban Bees: How the Organization Started

How the 'guardians' of bees work. How the “guardians” of bees work.

In Mexico City, before Black Bee SOS appeared, the institutional response to the presence of a beehive in urban areas used to be elimination.

“Cases were referred to firefighters, civil protection, or directly to fumigation companies,” Véliz told NatGeo.

The problem worsened with the arrival of the African bee. Although initially a committee was formed to handle the situation, over time the responsibility fell on teams without adequate training – or enough time – to rescue bees.

The veterinarian coordinated the African bee control program while working in the area; but she felt that the work was limited to systematic elimination of beehives.

That’s why she laid the groundwork for a rescue program and, upon leaving the public agency, together with a colleague, formalized a service.

Her idea was pioneering in Mexico City and soon caught the attention of firefighters and other organizations, which began referring cases to them. “Today, it’s difficult for firefighters not to recommend us. We have built a network of trust.”

How Black Bee SOS Works

The importance of bees for the planet. The importance of bees for the planet.

Since its foundation, Black Bee SOS has carried out 639 rescues, and 420 hives were successfully rehabilitated. The process begins when someone contacts the organization due to the presence of bees in their home or surroundings.

These rescues can involve long hours of work in extreme conditions: heights, confined spaces, and even nighttime work.

Once rescued, they transfer the insects to an apiary where their rehabilitation begins. This process lasts at least six months and requires constant feeding, disease care, and a proper environment for the hive to thrive.

After this period, the hives can be donated to local beekeepers or remain under the care of Black Bee SOS.

What is lacking, as they indicate, is a dedicated space where they can maintain and rehabilitate hives on a large scale. “We dream of having a sanctuary where we can house up to 1500 hives. A safe place where we do not suffer thefts and can guarantee survival,” says Véliz.

The Central Importance of Bees for Biodiversity

A single bee can pollinate up to 20 blocks (city blocks) around, which means that urban bees play an essential role in the ecosystem.

Bees are fundamental to the ecosystem because:
  • They pollinate plants: they are the main pollinators on the planet, allowing the production of seeds and fruits, and are necessary for 84% of commercial crops. 
  • They contribute to biodiversity: bees and other pollinators like butterflies, birds, and bats help maintain the balance of forest ecosystems. 
  • They are an environmental bioindicator: they are an indicator of environmental quality. 
  • They produce food: honey, royal jelly, pollen, beeswax, propolis, and bee venom. 
  • They are a biological pest control: they distribute a fungus that neutralizes parasites and bacteria in crops. 

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