Outrage over illegal fishing: endangered shark captured

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A strong indignation was generated in Necochea because fishermen captured an endangered shark. Additionally, they posed next to the animal and shared the images.

Renowned environmental activist Carlos Leo exposed what happened on his social media to spread awareness of the illegal act.

It was a female Bacota shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus). It is protected by law.

A shark in danger was captured: outrage on social media

The animal was captured in Paraje Punta Florida. Additionally, as the activist denounced, the specimen was pregnant.

The environmentalist made an urgent call to the authorities, pointing out that he tried to report the incident to various agencies in the Province of Buenos Aires without receiving a response.

The captured shark.

“A couple of days ago, the image of two ‘fishermen’ boasting about capturing a female Bacota shark went viral. This species is protected by law and endangered,” Leo expressed in his post.

The activist also questioned the response of local agencies, particularly the environmental office in Necochea.

“I wonder: Was this unfortunate event at Paraje Punta Florida authorized? Or as always happens, did they violate the respective controls. The corresponding office in Necochea is conspicuously absent,” he questioned.

Additionally, he emphasized that none of the agencies he contacted provided a response.

What is the Bacota shark like

Specimens of this species have a coloration ranging from gray to olive-gray on their dorsal surface and white on the ventral surface.

This is the Bacota shark.

This coloration, like in other sharks, serves to go unnoticed, as when viewed from below it blends with the sky, and when viewed from above it blends with the seabed.

The bacota is a migratory shark apparently very sensitive to water temperature. Along the Buenos Aires coast, the species moves southward as spring progresses and water temperature rises.

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