Outrageous: Tourists on motorcycles scared a colony of sea lions

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A strong anger and indignation arose in Mar del Plata due to an act of negligence and animal abuse during high season. Tourists riding a jet ski intentionally scared a colony of sea lions.

This is another act of this nature against marine fauna that has been recorded in a new season.

Scared a colony of sea lions

The episode was recorded on video and shared on social media. The episode was recorded on video and shared on social media.

The episode was carried out by a group of three people riding a jet ski in an area where sea lions live. Despite this, on several occasions they approached the animals at high speed to scare them.

This happened in the area of the city’s port and generated strong indignation among the residents who witnessed it, in addition to the backlash on social media.

Several witnesses who saw it, recorded it in a video that went viral. There, they can be seen riding the jet ski close to the coast, where all the sea lions were resting.

The tourists approached at full speed, causing the sea lions to quickly submerge into the water to avoid any impact. The driver repeated the same action several times.

“They were all super calm on their beach. And when it passed by, accelerating and acting smart, all the baby sea lions came out of the sea super scared,” said the woman who recorded the video to the 0223 media outlet.

This caused outrage among the residents as it puts the lives of marine species at risk and contaminates the sea lions’ habitat just for recreation. Some witnesses confirmed that the jet ski driver accelerated and laughed while the frightened sea lions tried to get out of the water.

The cruel episode with the sea lions.

The episode with the dolphin in Mar del Tuyú

This is not the first time that an episode of animal abuse has occurred on the Atlantic Coast during the summer.
Due to a series of photos circulating on social media and local media, a person was revealed to be handling a Franciscana dolphin apparently removing it from the sea to take a photo in Mar del Tuyú, which allegedly led to its death.

The Wildlife Foundation of Argentina states that the death of a calf is an alert for the conservation of a highly threatened and endangered species.

dolphin franciscana The Franciscana dolphin.

As it happened in summer 2016, a photo of a tourist holding a dolphin in a beach resort in the Argentine Coast is shaking up social media. In 2016 in Santa Teresita, in 2025 in Mar del Tuyú but the situations seem eerily similar.

In both cases, the dolphin belongs to the species Pontoporia blainvillei (popularly known as the Franciscana Dolphin) and both situations led to the death of the animals.

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