Dinamarca anunció la plantación de 1.000 millones de árboles.

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The authorities of **Denmark** are working on measures to help the environment, including [planting 1 billion trees](https://noticiasambientales.com/medio-ambiente/aumenta-el-50-la-plantacion-anual-de-arboles-en-la-ciudad/). This decision was described by the country’s government as “the biggest change in the Danish landscape in over 100 years”.

However, this was not the only measure taken by Danish legislators, as they also **decided to convert 10% of agricultural land into forests and natural habitats over the next 20 years**, aiming to reduce the use of fertilizers. Jeppe Brus, head of Denmark’s Green Tripartite Ministry, created by farmers, unions, and environmental groups last June, stated, “Danish nature will change in a way we haven’t seen since wetlands were drained in 1864”.

Thanks to this agreement, the Danish government allocated 43 billion crowns, equivalent to 6.1 billion dollars, to buy farmers’ land over the next two decades. As a result, **Danish forests will expand by an additional 250,000 hectares, and another 140,000 will become natural areas**.

This agreement was reached after the three government parties, the Social Democrats, the Liberals, and the Moderates from the center, along with the Socialist People’s Party, the Conservatives, the Liberal Alliance, and the Social Liberal Party, agreed on this solution to increase green spaces on Earth, as **only 14.6% of the planet’s surface is covered by forests**.

![Denmark plantará más de 1.000 millón de árboles](https://noticiasambientales.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/fao_bosques_recomendacion_48658645864586458645-300×176.jpg)

## The importance of tree planting for the environment

Ecology explains that tree planting and forests are [fundamental tools for climate regulation](https://noticiasambientales.com/medio-ambiente/la-plantacion-de-arboles-podria-no-ser-suficiente-para-enfrentar-el-cambio-climatico/) and mitigating the impact of natural phenomena, as well as **generating oxygen and controlling soil erosion**, leading to regeneration and recovery. They also provide the following benefits:

– **Climate change mitigation:** Forests can capture carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, helping to reduce the greenhouse effect.
– **Climate regulation:** They regulate temperature and precipitation.
– **Protect watersheds:** These green spaces act as natural filters for water, helping to keep them clean. In fact, it is estimated that 75% of the fresh water consumed by humans comes from forests.
– **Biodiversity conservation:** Forests are home to around 80% of the planet’s terrestrial biodiversity, including medicinal plants, fungi, insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
– **Social and cultural value:** They have a profound social and cultural value.
– **Raw material:** Forests are a source of raw material.

![Bosques nativos](https://noticiasambientales.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/argentina_bosques_nativos_inventario_presentan_486586458465-300×225.jpg)

**How to take care of forests?**

Taking care of forests is simply a matter of carrying out the following actions:

– **Reduce paper and wood consumption:** Recycle paper and cardboard, as well as buy recycled products.
– **Buy FSC-certified wood:** This label ensures that the wood comes from reforested areas.
– **Plant trees:** Trees can capture carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
– **Support conservation organizations:** Collaborating with tree planting campaigns and environmental NGOs also helps protect forests.
– **Be a responsible consumer:** Acquire only needed products and find out the origin of products.
– **Respect forests:** Do not litter, do not uproot plants, and respect trails.
– **Raise awareness about the importance of forests:** Forests are home to most terrestrial species on the planet and are vital for climate and precipitation.

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