Coastal erosion has caused serious damage in the southern area of Mar del Plata for over 30 years. This problem not only persists, but has accelerated in the last two decades.
The lack of intervention by municipal and provincial authorities in the face of this situation is concerning, as the deterioration continues unabated.
According to various local media reports, the situation began to worsen 20 years ago, especially with the expansion of the Quequén breakwater and the constant sand extraction from the port.
Although erosion was halted in the cliff area through the construction of breakwaters, the situation in the south of Mar del Plata was never addressed again. The original project foresaw the construction of seven breakwaters, but only three were completed, leaving the rest of the area exposed.
## The importance of sand for Mar del Plata
Sand is a fundamental resource for the city, especially for the southern resorts, which have historically been an important economic engine.
From San Jacinto to Acantilados, there were 10 resorts that provided direct employment to more than 200 families, while indirectly driving the entire economy of the surrounding neighborhoods.
Currently, the lack of sand has left these neighborhoods and businesses with an uncertain future. In contrast, the area where the breakwaters were built has grown significantly, showing the difference that protecting the resource makes.
## Transformation of the tourism sector and lack of state intervention
Entrepreneurs have transformed their business structures, moving from offering traditional beach services to becoming nightclubs, reflecting a shift towards profitability based more on nighttime consumption than on the quality of family tourism services.
This phenomenon has deteriorated the tourism offer in the region, leading the south of Mar del Plata to lose its family character and turning it into a space dominated by nightlife.
The lack of state intervention is alarming. Both municipal and provincial governments have been absent in the protection of sand, a key natural resource for the sustainability of the city’s south.
The future of the southern resorts seems inevitable without a serious investment in coastal defense works. Over time, a moderate or severe storm could expose the fragility of the coast, causing job losses and destroying beaches, making them difficult to access.
The lack of adequate infrastructure, such as public restrooms, emergency services, and beach cleaning, could lead the south of Mar del Plata to become a serviceless area, reduced to mere nighttime businesses without value for tourists or residents.
The widespread demand is for decisions to be made to protect the coast and restore the balance between economic development and environmental sustainability. Without action, the future of the south of Mar del Plata will become increasingly uncertain and harmful for everyone.
## Causes of coastal erosion on beaches
Coastal erosion is a phenomenon that affects coastal areas worldwide.
Due to global warming and glacier melting, sea levels rise, causing floods and erosion in low-lying coastal areas. Also, wave action is affected by winds, which constantly pound the coast, carrying sediments and eroding the coastline.
Likewise, ocean currents can transport large amounts of sediments.
The extraction of sand and gravel from beaches and seabeds for use in construction and industry can accelerate coastal erosion. The loss of natural sediments prevents the beach from regenerating and remaining stable.
There are some solutions to slow down erosion. Among them, the protection and regeneration of corals that protect the coasts. It is also necessary to carry out awareness campaigns and surveillance of the areas to prevent harmful activities on the coast.
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