Marine mammals: Schlüssel zur Bioindikation in geschützten Meeresgebieten

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In Argentina, the **Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)** protect a wide variety of **marine mammals**, ranging from sea lions and dolphins [to whales and sperm whales](

The presence of these species is influenced by the **topographic and oceanographic characteristics** of the environment.

Discover the essential areas and some of these animals, which are indicators of a **healthy ecosystem**.

## Namuncurá Banco Burdwood MPA
This area is essential for large **marine predators**, as its shelf and submarine slope create highly productive conditions that favor the **feeding of various species**.

In its waters, with depths exceeding 1000 meters, diving cetaceans such as **beaked whales and sperm whales** (Physeter macrocephalus) have been recorded, depending on the abundance of **squid and mesopelagic fish** (species that inhabit depths between 200 and 1000 meters).

Additionally, other mammals such as the **southern elephant seal** (Mirounga leonina), the **South American sea lion** (Otaria flavescens) and **South American fur seal** (Arctocephalus australis), and various **dolphins like the Peale’s dolphin** (Lagenorhynchus australis), **dusky dolphin** (L. obscurus), **southern right whale dolphin** (L. cruciger) and **long-finned pilot whale** (Globicephala melas) have been observed.

Also passing through the area are **baleen whales** such as the **fin whale** (Balaenoptera physalus) and the **sei whale** (Balaenoptera borealis) during their migratory routes.

The use of space within the MPA varies according to the needs of each species. Some use it for regular feeding, like dolphins and sea lions, while others, like whales, [only pass through seasonally](

Studies with satellite tags and surveys from vessels help better understand these distribution and movement patterns, essential for **ecosystem conservation**.

marine mammals
Marine mammals are key for bioindication in MPAs

## Yaganes MPA
Located south of **Tierra del Fuego**, this area presents a great variety of marine habitats, ranging from coastal waters to high-depth zones. Here, there are canyons and underwater mounts that influence the **distribution of marine species**.

In this MPA, sea lions and odontocetes (toothed whales) were mainly observed in coastal areas, with some exceptions like the **pilot dolphin**, which was also recorded in **oceanic waters**.

Whales were identified in waters further from the coast, possibly in transit to their **feeding areas in Antarctica**. The presence of species that perform deep dives, such as sperm whales and beaked whales, is usually associated with underwater canyons and slopes where their main prey concentrates.

## Importance of Conservation
Protecting marine mammals is essential not only for **biodiversity** but also to maintain the balance of **marine ecosystems** in the South Atlantic.

*Cover photo: G Harris WCS*

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