Order to resume sanitation works at the Luján landfill, the largest in the country.

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The Justice confirmed a ruling in favor of the environment by ordering the resumption of the works of **sanitation of the Luján landfill**. In the context of the case related to the largest open-air landfill in the country, the **Federal Chamber of San Martín** confirmed a central resolution that will allow progress.

Furthermore, it entrusted the Ministry of Environment of the Buenos Aires province with its supervision. The site, located 800 meters from Route 192, covers nearly **13 hectares**.

## Luján Landfill: ordered to resume sanitation

A precautionary measure was in place following a **lawsuit filed by environmental organizations** and a group of neighbors from the municipality led by Mayor **Leonardo Boto**. They had reported serious irregularities in the project, also known as “**Sucre Site**”.

According to their statements, the initiative, already **70%** completed, posed a threat to **public health** due to several foundational deficiencies. They also argued that it violated **environmental regulations** and would lead to increased pollution.

The Justice decided to lift the measure, but after an appeal, the Second Chamber of the Federal Chamber of San Martín, composed of judges **Alberto Agustín Lugones** and **Néstor Pablo Barral**, issued a ruling in the last hours confirming the decision.

## The decision of the Chamber

![The Luján landfill.](https://storage.googleapis.com/media-cloud-na/2024/12/basural-lujan.jpg)

In a 50-page resolution, **they detailed the different arguments** put forth by the parties.

When resolving the central issue, the judges relied on the previous judge’s decision and stated that they considered the **halt of the works to be “disproportionate**.

Furthermore, “in the face of the plaintiff’s interest, the **public interest of the Luján community** is at stake.”

The proposed project would involve the technical closure of the **current open-air landfill** and the **construction of an environmental center**, where in addition to the final disposal of the MSW (Municipal Solid Waste), the operation of a separation plant was planned.

It would also include the classification of recyclable waste and a **leachate treatment** plant.

According to the judges, this project “would provide a better sanitary quality of life to the **inhabitants of Luján**”, especially to the residents of the neighborhoods near the **open-air landfill (BCA)**.

![In Argentina, there are around 5000 cases of open-air landfills.](https://noticiasambientales.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/basurales-1024×576.png)

They also highlighted the work of **urban recyclers** and the students and teachers from the nearby school, who through the **conversion process** would achieve “a dignification in their habitat and/or activity”.

They also stated: “the potential harm that could result from the **continuation of the project** would be significantly less compared to the current **environmental situation** or the worsening that could occur from the **suspension of the progress of the works**.”

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