3D printing helps sea turtles with shell issues

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The 3D printer is one of the technological products that offer the most possibilities to users who know how to unleash its potential. We are facing devices capable of saving some unfortunate animals, for example, they help sea turtles with a serious problem.

In the case of turtle Charlotte, her problems began in 2008 when she was hit by a boat. That same year, the recovery process began thanks to the caretakers at Mystic Aquarium, who have managed to give her a second chance.

Charlotte’s Problem

After the collision with the vessel, Charlotte had her hind flippers paralyzed, and an air pocket got stuck in the back of her body. Turtles, being marine reptiles, need air to breathe and have a flotation system that allows them to regulate the depth at which they swim or rest.

Charlotte’s problem, known as Bubble Butt Syndrome, is due to the formation of air pockets in her gastrointestinal tracts, preventing her from moving normally.

How 3D printing helps sea turtles

The experts at Mystic Aquarium turned to 3D printing to help Charlotte. A three-dimensional printed harness was designed specifically for her.

This is how they help sea turtles with 3D prints

This solution is comfortable, resistant, durable, and waterproof. Two materials were used for its creation: Nylon 11 CF and PEKK, providing the ideal conditions for Charlotte.

The harness uses a weight that counteracts the effect of the air bubble inside the turtle. Through a series of slots, the necessary weight can be adjusted so that Charlotte can live normally.

Alex Pestana, a worker at the 3D printing company Formlabs, says that these designs are very complex and specific to the animal and its injury or trauma, being an intensive and optimized task thanks to 3D printing.

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