Observing a couple of jaguars in El Impenetrable National Park

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Recently, a biologist from the Rewilding Argentina Foundation starred in a unique experience: recording on video a couple of jaguars in El Impenetrable National Park.

Débora Abregu, Conservation Coordinator, managed to film the wild male Qaramta and the released female Keraná near the “El Teuco” Field Station.

Recovery of Key Species

Débora Abregu works in the National Park alongside a team of professionals in the recovery of key species, such as the jaguar, the giant otter, and the yabotí turtles.

“I had the joy of filming a couple of jaguars. One was Qaramta, a wild male; and the other was Keraná, a female that came from Paraguay and was released in this protected area,” she recounted.

Unexpected Sighting

The sighting was unexpected. “I was driving in the truck after completing daily activities when these specimens crossed in front of me. They were both very calm,” Débora commented. “Now I had the opportunity to see them. Qaramta stayed looking at me for a while before disappearing into the woods,” she added.

[Watch the video here.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dxNRJd8Mswg?feature=share)

Importance of Sighting

“Besides being an incredible moment, it’s very exciting because it shows the path to the recovery of this predator so important for ecosystem balance. Decades have passed without records of a jaguar couple in the Argentine Chaco, where it’s estimated that there are no more than 15 specimens. It’s a very important event because they are probably in mating season, so there could be cubs soon,” Débora expressed her excitement.

Impact on Ecotourism

Débora reflected on the impact of these sightings and the increase in visitors seeking opportunities for wildlife observation, similar to what happens in the Brazilian Pantanal. “This is a great opportunity to generate an economy in local communities based on ecotourism,” she pointed out.

Harmonious Coexistence with Animals

Inside and outside the park, it’s possible to observe deer, tapirs, pumas, and jaguars. “Let’s hope these encounters become more frequent. Many years ago, it was very common to find jaguars on the banks of the Bermejo River. Currently, seeing jaguars is very difficult,” Débora mentioned.

As the species recovers, the chances of observation increase. “When spotting them, it’s necessary to remain calm and give them their space. They will observe us and continue their path.”

Dispelling Myths about Wild Animals

“There are many myths about how wild animals react, especially the jaguar or the puma. There were also colleagues who were lucky to see jaguars in El Impenetrable and Iberá, where the species is also recovering. This shows that we can have a new form of harmonious coexistence with animals,” Débora concluded.

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