A prestigious international organization recognized the NGO Sinergia Animal.

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Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE), an international entity in independent evaluation of animal protection organizations, recognized Sinergia Animal as one of the most effective animal protection NGOs worldwide.

This recognition highlights the organization’s work to reduce the suffering of exploited animals on farms and promote a more sustainable diet in Argentina, a country where millions of animals face extremely inhumane living conditions.

According to reports, there are approximately 470 million pets worldwide, while over 85 billion farm animals are raised each year.

“Farm animals are often invisible, despite their cognitive abilities and suffering. We focus on pets, but ignore those in the food production chain,” stated Romina Viscarret, Director of Sinergia Animal in Argentina. It’s time to expand our compassion and act for all animals,” she added.

The work of Sinergia Animal in Argentina

Since its arrival in the country in 2017, Sinergia Animal has made a significant impact on the defense of farm animals.

One of their most notable achievements was an undercover investigation on egg production farms in 2019, narrated by actor Nicolás Pauls, which exposed the cruel conditions in which caged hens live.

This footage generated massive outrage and brought the issue to the public agenda.

Furthermore, the organization managed to get over 194 companies, including giants like Carrefour, Havanna, and Café Martínez, to commit to eliminating controversial battery cages in their egg supply chains.

“This represents a historic advancement in improving the living conditions of millions of hens,” they expressed.

The movement for cage-free eggs is crucial in Argentina because the country lags behind regions like Europe and the United States, where greater progress has been made in animal welfare. According to the NGO, in Europe, over 50% of laying hens already live in cage-free systems, and some countries, like Germany and Austria, have practically eliminated the use of cages.

In the United States, the number of cage-free hens has increased to around 36%, thanks to laws and corporate commitments. In contrast, in Argentina, over 95% of 52 million laying hens are still confined in battery cages, spaces so small that each bird has less room than a sheet of paper.

According to ACE’s evaluation, for every dollar spent by the NGO, the potential impact is freeing around 54 hens from a life of suffering in cages.

Argentina, a priority for Sinergia Animal

Argentina was selected as one of the priority countries for Sinergia Animal due to the lack of attention it receives in the global animal protection movement.

El movimiento activista de Sinergia Animal.
El movimiento activista de Sinergia Animal.

“Our country is what we call a neglected region in this field. There are few NGOs working for exploited farm animals here, despite the immense need,” explained Viscarret.

Globally, farm animals outnumber pets, but few efforts are made to alleviate their suffering. “These animals feel pain, fear, and joy, just like the dogs and cats we adore,” she added.

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