National Parks Volunteer Program: What are the requirements?

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The social volunteering program represents a non-profit, socio-educational activity that reflects values of solidarity both individually and collectively, with the aim of promoting citizen participation within the community.

The main objectives of the volunteer are assistance and learning.

National Parks Volunteer Program

The volunteer program is part of an initiative that promotes the institutionalization of the participation of individuals who, responding to a particular interest, provide temporary service to strengthen projects related to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage.

Within this program, volunteers:

  • Receive information and training on the objectives and activities of the National Parks Administration (APN) in general and the specific protected area where they operate.
  • Engage with mentors who support and guide their activities in the protected area.
  • Obtain certificates for the activities carried out, the training received, and participation in the Program.
  • Are integrated into the dynamics of a protected area through respectful treatment by the National Parks staff.
  • Comply with different durations and hours dedicated to volunteering, depending on the specific protected area and tasks performed.

How to Participate?

If you are interested in participating as a volunteer in a national protected area, please contact the email provided in each case. Below, you can find the Parks that offer volunteer programs.

Patagonia Region

Nahuel Huapi National Park (Río Negro / Neuquén)

Los Alerces National Park (Chubut)

Lihué Calel National Park (La Pampa)

Southern Patagonia Region

Tierra del Fuego National Park

Patagonia National Park (Santa Cruz)

Perito Moreno National Park (Santa Cruz)

Monte León National Park (Santa Cruz)

Makenke Interjurisdictional Marine Park (Santa Cruz)

Central Region

El Palmar National Park (Entre Ríos)

NOA Region

Calilegua National Park (Jujuy)

Aconquija National Park (Tucumán)

NEA Region

Río Pilcomayo National Park (Formosa)

El Impenetrable National Park (Chaco)

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