
Selective pruning: the curious technique for restoring soft coral forests

A team of researchers from CEAB-CSIC demonstrated the effectiveness of a simple and innovative technique to mitigate the effects of environmental disturbances on gorgonian forests. This strategy, based on pruning branches of dead soft corals, was scientifically validated over...

Red hydrocorals: what they are and where to find them

Red hydrocorals, despite their appearance similar to a plant or rock, are marine animals that remain immobile throughout their lives. Recently, colonies of a species called Errina antarctica were found in the Strait of Magellan, in southern Chile. This...

The discovery on the shores of Chile that surprised scientists

In a discovery that sheds light on the adaptability and resilience of marine ecosystems, a group of scientists has identified the shallowest and southernmost red hydrocoral forest ever found on the coasts of Chile. The research results were published in...

They discovered the world’s largest coral in the Pacific Ocean.

```html In a remote region of the Pacific Ocean, a Spanish diver recently discovered the largest coral in the world. Located in a secluded corner of the southwestern sea, it is at least 800 years old. The discovery took place during...

Alarming: Nearly 50% of tropical coral species at risk.

A report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reveals that nearly half of the species of reef-building corals living in tropical waters are in danger of extinction. ## Impact of Climate Change and Other Threats The increase in...

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Sea lion colony: the Buenos Aires destination that combines nature, adventure, and culture

Located in the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires, Lobería is an ideal destination for those seeking natural...