
Tunisia thwarts attempt to traffic pink flamingos

Tunisian customs authorities prevented the smuggling of ten pink flamingos, a protected species, at the border with Algeria. The animals, found in a van in Jendouba, were wrapped in fabric and adhesive tape inside boxes with hay. According to the...

Galapagos Flamingos in Critical Danger: Threats and Conservation Efforts

The population of **flamingos** in the **Galapagos Islands**, currently estimated at around 500 individuals, is in a critically endangered situation due to the **threats derived from climate change** and the presence of **invasive species**. Although they are not listed as...

Últimas noticias

Santa Fe punishes four companies for environmental damage in Ludueña.

In the framework of the **(https://noticiasambientales.com/residuos/arroyo-luduena-a-dos-meses-de-empezar-el-saneamiento-sacaron-toneladas-de-residuos/)**, promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Santa Fe, **89...