
Taiwan plans to eliminate 120,000 green iguanas to protect agriculture.

Taiwan plans to sacrifice up to 120,000 green iguanas, with supporters urging the use of humane methods to reduce the population of these animals, which are wreaking havoc in the island's agricultural sector. It is estimated that around 200,000 of...

The rare pink Galapagos iguana in danger of extinction

The **Galapagos Islands** (https://noticiasambientales.com/medio-ambiente/las-islas-galapagos-enfrentan-condiciones-drasticas-por-el-cambio-climatico/), with many threatened endemic species. One of them is the rare **pink iguana**, one of the most vulnerable species in the archipelago. In 2021, experts estimated that there are only 211 pink land iguanas, according to...

Últimas noticias

Santa Fe punishes four companies for environmental damage in Ludueña.

In the framework of the **(https://noticiasambientales.com/residuos/arroyo-luduena-a-dos-meses-de-empezar-el-saneamiento-sacaron-toneladas-de-residuos/)**, promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Santa Fe, **89...