
The largest land mammal in South America reappears after a hundred years: a historic event.

The return of the South American tapir to Brazil, after more than a century of absence, marks a milestone in conservation of this terrestrial mammal and biodiversity. Its recent sighting in the Costa Verde region has surprised scientists and conservationists,...

The pumas surprised when seen for the first time in Santa Fe.

Deforestation, climate change, and human action have caused several species to be displaced from their natural habitat, which is why many animals have stopped being seen. This is what happened with the pumas that were seen again in the...

Echidna: das Säugetier mit einer erstaunlichen elektrischen Fähigkeit

The echidna is a mammal that lays eggs, with a similar appearance to the platypus. This animal with spines like a hedgehog, a snout like an anteater, and a gait like a mole, is one of the few mammals...

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Sea lion colony: the Buenos Aires destination that combines nature, adventure, and culture

Located in the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires, Lobería is an ideal destination for those seeking natural...