solar power

Germany revolutionizes solar energy from balconies

Snowflakes fall softly onto the balconies installed at Jens Sax's place, a Berliner who constantly checks his phone to monitor the electricity generated by his panels. Although the current amount is modest, Sax highlights that he has saved 79...

Neuquén will build the largest solar park in Patagonia by 2025.

The mayor of the city of Neuquén, Mariano Gaido, Governor Rolando Figueroa, and the president of CALF, Marcelo Severini, are preparing to officially announce the largest solar park project in Patagonia, an initiative that is part of the city's...

Últimas noticias

Organic broccoli: 10 reasons to include it in your diet

Organic broccoli, also known as broccolini or broccoli, is a plant from the Brassicaceae family with the scientific name...