Specimens of **land turtle** and **yellow cardinal** are being released back into the wild in the fields of the Utracán and Puelén departments (La Pampa). These animals (https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/la-secretaria-de-ambiente-de-san-juan-recupero-9-tortugas-terrestres/) and confiscations, as part of the recovery efforts of the General...
The hunting season in La Pampa started with a large influx of foreign visitors. As reported by the Deputy Director of Wildlife, Federico Pelizzari, more than 1,200 hunters from other countries have arrived in the province so far this...
In La Pampa, a strong controversy is raging over an issue that is not new: the contamination of the Colorado River. There are conflicting versions and accusations between the residents of 25 de mayo and the authorities, both municipal...
In a meeting of the Honorary Advisory Commission for Wildlife of La Pampa, it was defined that hunting with packs of dogs will continue to be allowed in the province. This is a highly criticized practice, which is even...
The lovers of **ecotourism** have a new option to visit during their days off: the **Provincial Reserve Parque Luro**, in **La Pampa**. This natural reserve is the (https://noticiasambientales.com/turismo/ecoturismo-se-busca-un-turismo-de-naturaleza-sostenible/), as it combines natural richness with history and offers a unique...
In the framework of the **(https://noticiasambientales.com/residuos/arroyo-luduena-a-dos-meses-de-empezar-el-saneamiento-sacaron-toneladas-de-residuos/)**, promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Santa Fe, **89...