
A newly born land turtle is recovering at La Florida Reserve.

A small land turtle of the species Chelonoidis chilensis, with just one week old and weighing 25 grams, was voluntarily handed over by a neighbor of Villa de Merlo to the Wildlife Conservation Center (CCVS) at the Floro Faunística...

The Department of Environment in San Juan recovered 9 land turtles.

A neighbor from the city of San Juan made the decision to voluntarily surrender nine land turtles (Chelonoidis chilensis), six males and three females, along with three eggs, to the Secretariat of the Environment. These animals were raised in...

Die Unechte Karettschildkröte verwendet das Erdmagnetfeld als natürlichen GPS.

The **loggerhead sea turtle** (or caguama) uses the **Earth's magnetic field** to create a personal map of its favorite places. Research once again demonstrates the incredible ability of migratory animals to orient themselves. Some species that travel long distances across...

Brazil releases thousands of endangered turtles in the Amazon region

Brazil releases thousands of yellow-spotted river turtles (Podocnemis unifilis) endangered in the Amazon region. Around 4,900 yellow-spotted turtle hatchlings have been released in the Igapo-Açu de Beruri River, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas by a group of children from...

Interpol caught an international network trafficking protected turtles.

Interpol announced the conclusion of an investigation that led to the dismantling of a network dedicated to the illegal trafficking of protected species, resulting in the arrest of 15 individuals and the repatriation of a hundred turtles confiscated in...

DNA data would be crucial to save the hawksbill turtle

The shell of the **hawksbill turtle**, admired for centuries for its elegance, became a symbol of luxury that **brought this species to the brink of extinction**. Smithsonian Magazine highlighted how **indiscriminate hunting**, combined with the impact of **climate change**,...

Alarm in the Amazon: Charapa turtle births decrease by 50%

The Amazon, a treasure of unique biodiversity, faces a new environmental crisis threatening the survival of one of its most representative species: the charapa turtles (Podocnemis expansa). In the last year, the births of turtles of this species in...

For the first time, a scorpion turtle is recorded in East Chaco.

A veterinarian in **Chaco** came across a surprising find: a species that had not been previously recorded, a **scorpion turtle**. Although it is an animal native to the region, it had never been seen in the province. **Javier Aranda** was...

Últimas noticias

Sea lion colony: the Buenos Aires destination that combines nature, adventure, and culture

Located in the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires, Lobería is an ideal destination for those seeking natural...