
DNA data would be crucial to save the hawksbill turtle

The shell of the **hawksbill turtle**, admired for centuries for its elegance, became a symbol of luxury that **brought this species to the brink of extinction**. Smithsonian Magazine highlighted how **indiscriminate hunting**, combined with the impact of **climate change**,...

Alarm in the Amazon: Charapa turtle births decrease by 50%

The Amazon, a treasure of unique biodiversity, faces a new environmental crisis threatening the survival of one of its most representative species: the charapa turtles (Podocnemis expansa). In the last year, the births of turtles of this species in...

For the first time, a scorpion turtle is recorded in East Chaco.

A veterinarian in **Chaco** came across a surprising find: a species that had not been previously recorded, a **scorpion turtle**. Although it is an animal native to the region, it had never been seen in the province. **Javier Aranda** was...

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Colombia: 85 animals released into their natural habitat

A total of 85 animals, including birds, reptiles, and mammals, were returned to their natural habitat in a release...