5 tips to not discard old electronic devices

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The disposal of **old electronic devices** has significantly increased in recent decades, generating more than 50 million tons of **electronic waste** in just one year, according to the **Global E-waste Monitor**. This figure is expected to rise to 82 million tons by 2030, alerting society to [this growing environmental problem](https://noticiasambientales.com/residuos/onu-dice-que-la-basura-electronica-se-acumula-y-se-recicla-poco/).

Giving a second life to obsolete devices is a possible solution to **mitigate this issue**. Many countries and organizations are already promoting the reuse and recycling of materials, offering refurbishment programs and donations to schools or learning centers.

5 Tips for Reusing Old Electronic Devices

1. Refurbish or reuse your devices at home

An old smartphone can be turned into a smart remote control, a security camera, or a reference screen for recipes in the kitchen.

2. Donation to different establishments

Schools, educational centers, and community support organizations accept electronic devices to promote digital education and reduce the technological gap.

3. Recycling at specialized points

Technology companies and electronics stores offer free recycling services or exchange programs, ensuring the [proper management of toxic elements](https://noticiasambientales.com/residuos/residuos-electronicos-estiman-que-pueden-aumentar-sin-control-por-las-computadoras-de-ia/) and valuable materials.

There are free recycling services

4. Restoration and sale of refurbished devices

Restoring a device in good condition and selling it on second-hand platforms is an economical and sustainable option to extend its useful life.

5. Creative transformation of electronic parts

Using device parts to create **decorative or functional objects**, such as lamps with hard drives or keychains with keyboard keys, is a creative way to recycle and add a personal touch to your spaces.

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