In a Mendoza department, cigarette butts were banned in public places.

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In an effort to maintain a friendlier environment, Tupungato (Mendoza) has banned the discarding of cigarette butts on public roads, squares, and green spaces.

This measure includes fines for those who fail to comply with the regulations.

Measure Details

Ordinance No. 17/2024, sanctioned by the Honorable Deliberative Council, establishes the installation of ashtrays at various points in the department to improve urban hygiene and prevent environmental pollution.

Additionally, a collection and recycling system for cigarette butts will be implemented.

Implementation and Sanctions

The Municipal Executive Department will regulate the ordinance and appoint the direction of application and control. Non-compliance with this regulation will be sanctioned according to the municipal tariff.

An ordinance prohibits the discarding of cigarette butts on public roads

Objective and Benefits

The prohibition measure aims to discourage the practice of throwing cigarette butts on the street, avoiding soil contamination, subsoil, and air, and protecting watercourses from contamination due to runoff during rainfall.

Other Prohibitions

Also in Tupungato, municipal decree 616 published in the Official Gazette on November 19, announced the ban in all urban areas on open burning and incineration, whether in public or private areas, of solid waste, organic and inorganic, combustible substances, papers, grass, fallen leaves, and tree branches.

In this sense, the combustion of firewood, wood, or charcoal with controlled fire in safe and/or permitted places for the cooking of food or provision of heat is exempt.

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