Reuse of flowers as food: innovation with ultrasonics

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A new research by scientists from the **University of Georgia** reveals how ultrasound technology can be essential for the reutilization of flowers as food.

It is a sort of transformation of those that are not sold into **sustainable food ingredients rich in nutrients**. Essential for reducing **waste and waste reduction**.

Reusing flowers as food: the discovered technique

Generally, most of the unsold flowers are discarded. However, a recent study published in the *Journal of Food Process Engineering* offers a sustainable solution that could transform this **waste** into valuable ingredients for the **food industry**.

It comes hand in hand with **ultrasound technology**. Its application has already proven to be effective in extracting **soy proteins**, improving the texture of plant-based meat alternatives, and preserving juices and oils.

Now, the university’s research has also added the application to **edible flowers**. According to the study, it would allow preserving their **bioactive and nutritional compounds** for use in the food industry.

Nutritious flowers as food. (Photo: Pixabay).

According to **Dr. Mohan**, associate professor at the *College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences* at the University of Georgia, flowers are usually perceived as mere ornaments, but their potential is greater.

“We take those flowers, cut them, make a beautiful bouquet, give it to someone, and after one or two days, the story is over,” he expressed. “We are trying to use edible flowers as a **source of proteins, food colorants, and vitamins**,” he explained about the research.

“The idea was to use ultrasound technology to facilitate the extraction of these compounds from the flower,” he added.

How ultrasound works

One of the main challenges when using flowers in food is their **high moisture content**, which makes their storage and transportation difficult without deterioration.

At this point, ultrasound technology is key, as it allows them to be dried more quickly and efficiently, **preserving their color and nutritional value**.

Unlike traditional methods such as **air or heat drying**, it significantly reduces the required time and minimizes the loss of quality.

The nutritious power of flowers.

The waste of flowers not only represents an economic loss but also has a **significant environmental impact**. Most of these flowers **end up in landfills**, contributing to the emission of **greenhouse gases**.

Therefore, implementing technologies like ultrasound for their use could reduce this waste and promote a circular economy in the agri-food sector.

The use of flowers as **functional ingredients** could also benefit the processed food industry, offering healthier and more sustainable alternatives **compared to synthetic additives**.

It should be noted that not all flowers can be used as food, but this is limited to those that are edible or properly qualified for it. For example, the case of broccoli leaves.

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