Researchers discover new beetle genus in the Peruvian Andes

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The **Peruvian Andes** have become the setting for **a new discovery**. In recent days, a group of biologists revealed an extraordinary finding. It is **a new genus** of beetles hidden at three thousand meters high in the Andes located **in the district of Shipasbamba**, in the province of Bongará.

The research led by the expert from the Department of Entomology of the Museum of Natural History of the National University of San Marcos, **Maryzender Rodríguez Melgarejo**, had the participation of **Mariana Chani Posse**, a researcher from CONICET in Argentina.

According to the researchers, the initial goal was to **explore biodiversity at altitudes around three thousand meters**, where fog forests harbor rarely seen forms of life. However, what really surprised them was what they found in the place. It consists of **two new species of beetles**, hitherto unknown to science, which were identified and described from specimens collected in this Andean area.

The experts found tiny beings belonging to the family **Staphylinidae**, a group of insects commonly known for their astonishing adaptability and global presence. The researchers named the first finding as **Leptopeltus dieguezi**, while the second one was called **Leptopeltoides nilveri**.

![Nuevas especies de escarabajos descubiertas en los andes peruanos. Foto: Instagram/ @laderasurlatam.](×300.jpg)

## **Nuevo género de escarabajo, distinto pero con algo en común**

According to the research results, **these two beetle species are related because they share a common origin**. In this sense, it is believed that the formation of the Andes probably played a determining factor in their speciation and diversification process. On the other hand, the researchers decided to create **an updated distribution map of the involved genera**, where they reviewed the existing identification keys to **facilitate future studies** on these insects.

Regarding the analyzed specimens, **they were entrusted to the Entomological Collection of the Museum of Natural History of UNMSM** to ensure their preservation and availability for future research.

![Estas son las nuevas especies de escarabajos descubiertos en los andes peruanos. Foto: Instagram/ @laderasurlatam.](×300.jpg)

## **Curiosidades del escarabajo**

Beetles are characterized by being recyclers of environmental waste, thus **contributing to keeping the planet clean**. These animals are known for feeding on feces, carrion, dead plants, and even fungi.

Another curiosity about these insects is that they do not have good vision, so they communicate through pheromones, sounds, or vibrations. Also, they could be considered **one of the oldest animals on the planet**, having approximately 270 million years, as the first of these coleopterans emerged on our planet during the Permian period.

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