Taiwan plans to sacrifice up to 120,000 green iguanas, with supporters urging the use of humane methods to reduce the population of these animals, which are wreaking havoc in the island’s agricultural sector.
It is estimated that around 200,000 of these reptiles are found in the southern and central areas of the island, regions highly dependent on agriculture, according to Chiu Kuo-hao from the Forestry Bureau.
Specially recruited hunting teams eliminated about 70,000 iguanas last year, offering rewards of up to US$15 for each one.
Local governments have asked the population to help identify iguana nests and recommend fishing spears as the most humane method to eliminate them.
### Reasons behind the sacrifice of green iguanas in Taiwan
“Many people bought them as small and adorable pets, without realizing how large and long-lived they would become, so they released them into nature, where they adapted very well to the Taiwanese environment,” said Lee Chi-ya from the agricultural department in Pingtung County. “This has allowed them to reproduce at a considerable rate, forcing us to sacrifice them to restore the balance of nature.”
Green iguanas have no natural predators in Taiwan and have moved to hard-to-reach areas, mainly forests and village outskirts.
Males can grow up to 2 meters long, weigh 5 kilograms, and live up to 20 years, while females can lay up to 80 eggs at a time.

Mainly from Central America and the Caribbean, they are not aggressive despite having sharp tails and jaws, as well as blade-like teeth. These reptiles mainly feed on fruits, leaves, and plants, occasionally supplementing their diet with small animals.
Although popular as pets, it is difficult to keep them healthy in captivity, and many die within their first year of life.
Hsu Wei-chieh, the general secretary of the Taiwan Reptile Conservation Association, said his group wants to teach farmers how to stay safe, protect their properties, and treat iguanas humanely.
“We are here to help this project run smoothly,” said Hsu.
Tsai Po-wen, a vegetable farmer in Pingtung, said the training was paying off.
“Before we used to attack them, but it was useless. Now we are learning more effective and safer methods,” Tsai affirmed.
### What are invasive species?
Throughout history, humans traveling around the world have brought with them plants and animals, often intentionally and sometimes unknowingly. When these non-native species take root in new ecosystems and begin to cause problems, they are known as invasive species.
Many of the species introduced to a region are not invasive. Only when an exotic species damages the surrounding ecosystem by displacing other organisms and altering their habitat does it become invasive. The surrounding native species that have evolved to primarily defend against other native predators may be ill-equipped to cope with the attacks of new and unfamiliar enemies.
All kinds of plants and animals, including trees, fish, rodents, insects, and fungi, can become invaders. Some are initially introduced to new places with a purpose, only to become pests.
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