Uninformed: Argentinians unaware of the origin of the eggs they consume

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Argentina ranks as the second country with the highest per capita egg consumption worldwide, with a record production of 553 eggs per second in 2024. However, a study by the NGO Sinergia Animal warns that consumers are unaware of the origin of eggs and the conditions in which they are produced, due to the lack of regulations on labeling.

Although the National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) requires basic labeling with information about the origin establishment and expiration date, many products do not comply with this regulation. It is common to see egg cartons for sale without any identification, which constitutes an illegal practice in the industry.

Romina Viscarret, director of Sinergia Animal in Argentina, points out that the issue goes beyond regulatory non-compliance. “Argentinians do not have access to information about the production system, that is, under what living conditions the hens are raised. There is no legislation that requires transparency on this data, preventing consumers from making informed decisions,” she explained.

In contrast, in European Union countries, specifying the origin of eggs is mandatory, that is, whether they come from caged hens, free-range, or organic systems. This allows consumers to choose products aligned with their ethical and health values. In Argentina, without this distinction, it is impossible to know if the purchased eggs come from hens kept in crowded conditions or from more sustainable systems.

Most Argentinians are unaware of the origin of the eggs they consume. Photo: Sinergia Animal.
Most Argentinians are unaware of the origin of the eggs they consume. Photo: Sinergia Animal.

Cruelty and Health Risks

The predominant system in Argentina is that of battery cages, where hens live crowded together, without space to move or express natural behaviors. Each hen has less space than an A4 sheet, leading to stress and suffering. Moreover, cruel practices like forced molting, where they are deprived of food and water for days to increase production, are employed.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) warned that caged systems have a higher prevalence of Salmonella compared to cage-free systems. The lack of traceability and labeling represents not only an animal welfare issue but also a risk to public health.

A Bill for Mandatory Labeling

To address this issue, Sinergia Animal and the Coordinating Association of Users, Consumers, and Taxpayers (ACUCC) presented a bill that aims to implement mandatory labeling for eggs in Argentina. This initiative would allow consumers to understand the production system and prevent misleading advertising regarding animal welfare and public health.

“Without clear information, Argentine consumers are defenseless when choosing what to consume. Mandatory labeling is essential to guarantee the right to an informed choice and to a more ethical and healthier diet,” Viscarret concluded.

Egg consumption. Photo: Sinergia Animal.
Egg consumption. Photo: Sinergia Animal.

Why Are Organic Eggs the Best Choice?

Organic eggs are a healthier and more sustainable option than conventional ones. This is because they come from hens that live in natural conditions and without the use of chemicals.

Health Benefits 

  • Rich in essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Contain healthy fatty acids, such as omega-3, which help reduce LDL cholesterol.
  • Have a higher content of antioxidants, like vitamin E and beta-carotene.

For the Environment 

  • Contribute to sustainable agriculture.
  • Avoid the use of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic antibiotics.

Benefits for Animals 

  • Hens live in open farms and have enough space to move around.
  • They sleep well and eat well.
  • Their diet is 100% organic.
  • They do not take antibiotics and are free from GMOs.

The production of organic eggs is more complex and costly than obtaining standard eggs. On the other hand, the sanitary regulations of the European Union establish a set of criteria that are uniformly applied to all farms.

Source: Sinergia Animal.

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