What to do in case of bites from flat-headed pit vipers, black widows, and brown recluse spiders: preventive measures

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With the arrival of summer, outdoor activity increases, and with it, the exposure to bites from spiders, vipers, and other venomous species.

The Zoonosis Division of the Decentralized Management Unit South Zone of the Chubut Health Secretariat provides recommendations on how to act in case of the appearance of snakes and arachnids in areas near homes.

## Medical Importance Species
In this case, there are three species of medical importance due to their bites: a viper (the South American rattlesnake) and two arachnids (the black widow and the brown recluse spider). These species have toxins that can cause damage and even death if not treated properly.

**Preventive Measures:**
1. Wear appropriate clothing in areas where the presence of snakes is known, such as long pants and closed-toe shoes.
2. Do not walk barefoot.
3. Do not put your hands in tree hollows, caves, nests, and/or abandoned bonfires.

In case of a bite or sting, it is important to remain calm to prevent the venom from circulating quickly through the body. Do not apply tourniquets, cuts, ice, or try to suck the wound. Also, do not drink coffee, alcoholic beverages, or energy drinks.

## How to keep homes safe
In homes and yards, keep the grass short, weed-free; clean the interiors, remove items where spiders can hide, and avoid the accumulation of waste that may attract rodents, which are one of the snakes’ food sources.

## Where to go in case of a bite or sting
In case of an attack by a venomous animal, go to the nearest hospital immediately. In the meantime, you can wash the wound with water and mild soap, cover it with a clean and dry dressing, but do not attempt any other actions.

Regarding spiders, veterinarian Alcira Sandoval advises, “do not try to crush them because they get scared and that’s when, as a defense, they bite. So it’s better to move them away from skin contact with something rather than trying to kill them at that moment.”

Do not try to catch the animal that caused the bite or sting. Remembering its characteristics (color, shape, size) will be enough to communicate with medical personnel and receive the appropriate treatment.

## Identification of venomous species
The South American rattlesnake adult measures approximately 60 centimeters, has a rough appearance, and a markedly triangular head. Its size, brown coloration, and skin patterns provide excellent camouflage. However, they are not aggressive and only attack if they feel threatened.

Black widows are recognized by their black body with a red pattern on their central abdomen. They are usually found outside, in rural or peri-urban areas, although there have been situations recorded in some yards.

Brown recluse spiders are found indoors and can be located behind furniture or in dark corners. They are recognized by their long legs in relation to their body and by having a violin-shaped pattern on their body.

Sandoval commented that “it causes a dermonecrotic-hemolytic lesion, as if it were a marble with dark lines produced by the necrotoxin.”

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