Why does your dog follow you everywhere?

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Dogs are considered great friends and companions of humans, so it is not surprising that once the bond is formed between them, these pets do not stop following their owners around the house.

According to specialists, this behavior, which can sometimes be annoying, has an explanation that goes beyond their friendly and loyal nature. What does this habit reveal, according to veterinary specialists?

The simple fact that a dog follows its owner everywhere is nothing more than a clear demonstration of the strong bond between them. According to specialists in canine veterinary, this habit is usually related to the loyalty towards those who satisfy their basic needs, such as food, care, and affection. On the other hand, dogs not only use their barks but also behaviors like this to communicate and express their emotions.

While it is natural for dogs to want to be close to their owners, excessive dependence can lead to problems such as stress and anxiety in the animal. This phenomenon is known as hyper-attachment, which generally manifests when the dog cannot stand being alone, potentially resulting in destructive behaviors or changes in its emotional well-being.

emotions of dogs
emotions of dogs

How to manage this behavior?

To prevent this attachment from becoming a problem, experts in animal behavior recommend:

  • Promote independence: encourage the pet to stay in a different room than its owner, gradually and positively.
  • Create balanced routines: dedicate time to joint activities, and make sure that this pet spends time alone and feels comfortable.
  • Seek professional support: contacting an animal behavior specialist could be very helpful to implement appropriate strategies and reduce dependence.
  • Understand what the dog needs to strengthen the bond.

In conclusion, dogs following their owners everywhere is a display of affection and trust, but it is also important to find a balance that benefits both the pet and its owner. Fostering a healthy relationship based on love and mutual respect with these pets.

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