In a new operation against wildlife trafficking, the Ministry of Energy and Environment of Mendoza led the rescue of animals that were being sold online.
In a joint effort with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Security, they detected offspring of yacaré, crabs, and turtles.
## Wildlife Trafficking in Mendoza: the Rescued Animals
Following a joint investigation, they found two specimens of yacaré overo (Caiman latirostris), two freshwater crabs (species to be determined), a bell turtle (Phrynops hilarii), and a snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii).

The animals were found in a private residence in the Luján de Cuyo department, where they were kept in inadequate captivity conditions and without legal documentation to support their possession.
The Director of Biodiversity and Eco-park, Ignacio Haudet, highlighted the positive impact of the creation of the Specialized Unit of Crimes against the Environment. According to reports, it has improved efficiency in environmental protection.
Adrián Gorrindo, head of the Wildlife Department, detailed that it was crucial that the species were offered on social networks to detect them. He also emphasized the collaboration with the National Environmental Control Brigade and other provincial jurisdictions.
## How Was the Operation Carried Out
The action began after an investigation by the Wildlife Department of the Biodiversity and Eco-park Directorate, whose data was shared with the Environmental Crimes Prosecutor’s Office.
Thus, progress was made swiftly with the operation that ended with the rescue of the specimens and the identification of the responsible party. The individual was placed at the disposal of the Justice system and faces administrative and criminal sanctions.
The rescued animals were transferred by the Rural Police to the Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center of the Cullunche Foundation. There, specialists evaluate their health status and work towards their recovery.
The Directorate is making arrangements to relocate the species outside the province, in coordination with others, to ensure their care and conservation in suitable locations.
## An International Network?
Despite the good news of the animal rescue and the arrest of the responsible party, authorities hinted at a possibility of greater significance.
They do not rule out the possibility of being faced with a link connected to an international network of organized crime.
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