5 advantages of photovoltaic trackers that make them efficient

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Have you ever heard of photovoltaic trackers? The use of solar energy is a hot topic and has been extensively studied in recent years. Now, thanks to this tool, we can optimize the action of photovoltaic panels much more and identify the peak hours of the day to make the most of solar energy.

Designed in a rather sophisticated way, we are facing a mechanical device with which we can maximize efficiency in capturing that radiation solar we so desire. Operating simply, the panels remain perpendicular seeking the power of the most well-known star in the system, and it is only in this way that we can obtain the best rays of the day to take advantage of the performance of the photovoltaic plants and find the definitive solution to solar tracking.

What are the advantages of photovoltaic trackers?

Considering that we are facing a mobile structure whose mission is to maximize the electricity production of an installation, photovoltaic trackers already have a significant network of companies that use them. Especially linked to industries in the photovoltaic solar sector, we are facing a solution that has proven to be highly effective and ensures exceptional results.

Developed with a single axis -which allows the movement of the panels in one direction- or two -allows movement in both directions-, photovoltaic trackers are excellently marketed in the market, and that is why we must evaluate them closely and continue to investigate their operation. Below, we list some of the benefits that confirm their effectiveness, reliability, and profitability for use in photovoltaic plants.

Proven Efficiency

The installation of photovoltaic trackers can significantly improve the performance of the panels. With a probability of up to a 40% improvement in efficiency, we are facing a tool that operates with a system studied to maximize the performance of the panels and solar radiation. Its effectiveness will vary depending on whether we are dealing with single-axis or dual-axis models, but undoubtedly, this new solution is a very interesting option to consider if we want to improve the performance of our photovoltaic installation.

Good Profitability with Photovoltaic Trackers

By placing one of these devices in a photovoltaic plant, we are also investing in something safe and profitable. These systems, which will reimburse the investment made within a maximum period of five to ten years, have a lifespan of up to twenty years without defects and the guarantee that, over time, the continuous advancements in this technology will provide even more advanced and effective solutions.

Complex Locations

Photovoltaic trackers also have the advantage of being able to be installed in mountainous or high-altitude areas, using panels adapted to these locations. With the sun’s position varying throughout the year, thanks to their mobility, they manage to adapt optimally to the different seasons, ensuring that energy production is remarkable, even when it initially seemed like a challenge.

Solar Utilization

Although photovoltaic panels harness solar energy on their own, thanks to photovoltaic trackers, we have the opportunity to identify the hours with the highest solar radiation and make the most of them. This, in turn, further optimizes the system’s performance, offering us a complete solution that maximizes the profitability of solar energy throughout the day.


With the necessary care and optimal maintenance, these devices can last a long time and extend the life of the panels by reducing mechanical tension and thermal stress. Undoubtedly, we are facing a new component that is worth evaluating and that is significantly contributing to achieving new milestones in the photovoltaic sector.

Gonvarri Solar Steel is a B2C company that provides high-quality photovoltaic trackers for solar panel mounting systems in industrial photovoltaic installations. In addition, it distributes fixed structures designed to adapt to various types of terrain and climatic conditions, and has participated in large-scale projects that demonstrate its leadership in the sector and the reliability of its solutions.

With a presence in more than 45 countries worldwide, they cover all phases of the plan, from pre-execution and project development to the after-sales platform, ensuring your peace of mind and allowing the team to focus on other aspects of the company. Thanks to its comprehensive management, Gonvarri Solar Steel has established itself as a reference in the field of solar energy.

Photovoltaic trackers, as devices capable of identifying the hours of highest solar intensity during the day, continue to impress wherever they are installed. With a vast potential yet to be explored, they are expected to be a key tool in optimizing the performance of solar energy in various industrial sectors in the future. Are you going to miss knowing all the potential they have?

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