
Europe discovers an underground solar treasure: agrovoltaic energy

Europe has found a new path towards sustainability by combining solar energy and agriculture in an innovative model known as agrovoltaics. This approach allows the use of agricultural lands not only for food production but also for energy generation,...

A electric bicycle is being produced in Córdoba to promote sustainable mobility.

The President of the Metropolitan Entity, Rodrigo Fernández, presented an electric bicycle of completely Cordoban production, the result of a collaboration between the companies Parra and Tomaselli. This vehicle will be the protagonist of a pilot test of sustainable mobility...

Santa Fe regains San Lorenzo solar park and will build four more

The government of Santa Fe announced the completion of the refurbishment of the photovoltaic solar park in San Lorenzo. It is owned by the company Santa Fe Gas and Renewable Energies (Sapem). This site, which was in a complete state...

Iceland master its volcanoes: thus generates 90% of its energy

Islandia convirtió a sus volcanes en aliados. Este país, conocido como la "tierra del fuego y el hielo" por su impresionante paisaje de glaciares, géiseres y volcanes, perfeccionó el uso de la energía geotérmica, hasta el punto de calentar...

The first car without fuels: it runs solely on solar energy

The automotive industry is about to reach a milestone with the arrival of the first vehicle that completely eliminates the need for fuels. (, diesel, or even conventional electric charging points, as it (#). Known as Aptera, this futuristic...

A modern photovoltaic solar park is inaugurated at ESSA.

A few days ago, the official inauguration of the new photovoltaic solar park took place at the Naval Sub-Officer School (ESSA), in the Partido de Coronel de Marina Leonardo Rosales, in the southern region of the Buenos Aires province....

Photovoltaics at the Oslo Stadium: The technology that will revolutionize energy production.

The national football stadium of Norway, the Ullevaal in Oslo, has incorporated 1,242 vertical bifacial solar panels on its roof, becoming the largest installation for energy production of this type in the world. This initiative, implemented in June 2024, places...

The electric scooter that aims to revolutionize the world of vehicles

```html The last years have been characterized by the arrival of electric vehicles that are truly unique: from high-performance bicycles to scooters that seem to come straight out of a science fiction movie. However, none as peculiar and eye-catching as...

Japan bets on renewables: aims to make them its main source of energy by 2040

Japan is betting on renewables with strength and aims for them to be its main source of energy by 2040. In this way, reducing its dependence on coal and gas and achieving carbon neutrality. These are the plans of the...

New York gears up to face Trump: the weapons at play

Climate change activists are desperate to achieve change before it's too late. The energy authority in New York is preparing with 40 projects on sustainable energies to supply the area with energy, but environmentalist groups argue that it is...

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Discovered fungus transforms spiders into living zombies

A fortuitous discovery during the filming of the BBC documentary "Winterwatch" in 2021 has led to the identification of...