Córdoba: Insistence on Demands for Impact of La Cumbrecita Sewage Plant on the River

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Neighbors of houses located downstream reiterated an old claim to the authorities. They denounce the sewage treatment plant of La Cumbrecita, in Córdoba, for the presence of sewage in the Río del Medio river.

In addition to affecting the community, the river’s course descends through the mountains and contaminates the springs, causing problems in areas located below the town.

The neighbors have once again pointed out the management of the treatment plant, something that has been reiterated several times over the years. However, still without a solution. What do the authorities say.

The sewage treatment plant of La Cumbrecita and a new complaint

They point to the sewage treatment plant of La Cumbrecita. They point to the sewage treatment plant of La Cumbrecita.

The claim is based on the fact that the plant allegedly does not apply the adequate waste treatment and discharges it into the river without the necessary purification.

This directly results in the contamination of the water of the Río del Medio river, which flows through the mountainous area and carries sewage to the lower areas. This affects the environment and puts at risk the health of the inhabitants of the areas located downstream.

A claim that is not new

This complaint from the local residents for the sewage treatment plant to function correctly is nothing new. They have been requesting action for years.

In fact, in 2021 they presented the results of the analyses commissioned to a laboratory linked to the National Technological University (UTN). The analysis revealed that, in the water samples taken, “values of BOD5 higher than those allowed” were observed.

BOD5 stands for biochemical oxygen demand. It is a key indicator to measure water pollution. This parameter shows the amount of oxygen that microorganisms “consume” when breaking down organic matter.

Now, some residents detailed that on Mondays, after the concentration of weekend tourists, there is usually a greater discharge of effluents into the watercourse.

What the authorities say

In response, the municipal chief, Silvana Torres, denied the existence of such contamination. “We have the laboratory tests. The plant has never stopped operating. There are no sewage in the Río del Medio river,” she told El Doce.

The issue in the Río del Medio. The issue in the Río del Medio.

She even expressed being surprised” and stated that they have “no formal complaints” before the municipality.

“Environmental Police always come and survey the plant, as well as other things. All year we have been working on the plant for continuous improvements, both in structure and waste treatment, especially when there is more tourist influx, as it is at this moment,” she explained to La Voz.

Furthermore, she reported that “the last part of a labyrinth with a phytopurification plant is about to be inaugurated” which will optimize the treatment, a project funded with their own resources.

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