Heatwave alert: 11 provinces affected by high temperatures

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This Thursday, another day of extreme heat started in different locations across the country. In some areas, March arrived with temperatures higher than usual for this time of the year.

In this context, the National Meteorological Service (NMS) has issued new alerts for different districts for this day.

Therefore, the yellow alert remains in effect for areas in the City and province of Buenos Aires; Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Misiones, Chaco, Formosa, Santa Fe, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba, and San Luis.

### Alerts for extreme heat: what each level implies

#### Yellow alert:
The yellow-level alert establishes a mild to moderate effect on health, according to the NMS system.

In this case, it implies that temperatures can be dangerous, especially for at-risk groups such as children and people over 65 years old with chronic diseases.

#### Orange alert:
This alert implies a moderate to high effect on health, meaning that temperatures can be very dangerous, especially for at-risk groups.

![Extreme heat in Argentina](https://noticiasambientales.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/calor-extremo-en-argentina-1024×576.jpg)

#### Red alert:
The red-level warning means that the heat can have a high to extreme effect on health. In this sense, temperatures are very dangerous and can affect everyone, even those without underlying health conditions.

### NMS recommendations

Given the circumstances, the NMS is sharing the recommendations for these types of events provided by the Ministry of Health:

– Increase water intake without waiting to feel thirsty to maintain adequate hydration.
– Avoid excessive sun exposure, especially during midday hours (between 10 am and 4 pm).
– Pay attention to babies, children, the elderly.
– Avoid caffeinated, alcoholic, or sugary drinks.
– Avoid heavy meals.
– Consume vegetables and fruits.
– Reduce physical activity.
– Wear light, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing; hat, sunglasses.
– Stay in ventilated or air-conditioned spaces.
– Remember that there is no pharmacological treatment for heatstroke, and only the classic methods mentioned above can prevent and counteract it.

### [How to protect your pets from the heatwave](https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/como-proteger-a-tus-mascotas-de-la-ola-de-calor/)

Like humans, animals can suffer the consequences of extreme heat, especially considering they are not accustomed to these high temperatures that can reach up to 39 degrees.

![Caring for pets in extreme heat](https://storage.googleapis.com/media-cloud-na/2025/01/cat-3038243_1280-1024×678.jpg)

Therefore, they should also be protected from the sun in summer. There are some recommendations to follow to ensure proper care:

– Dogs regulate body temperature with relatively low efficiency compared to humans, as they do not release heat through the skin and can only rely on panting to cool down, putting them at risk of heatstroke in extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to:
– Avoid the strongest sun hours for walks: go out in the morning or once the sun goes down, and keep the walks short.
– Keep them hydrated: always provide fresh and clean water.
– Use sunscreen suitable for animals if available to protect them from the sun.
– Avoid excessive exercise or games that require a lot of physical effort: it is important to prevent them from getting too excited, as they will overheat without being aware.
– If they are in the yard or garden, make sure they have a shaded area and a mat to lie on to avoid the heat from the ground.
– If they have a kennel, ensure it is cool and ventilated at all times.

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