
A erupting volcano keeps this Icelandic town on high alert

A volcano in Iceland entered into eruption in the last hours and has a town on edge. This volcano is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula, in the southwest of the country. This is the seventh time it has become active...

Strong criticism of the COP29 draft: the main question

The COP29 draft was presented this Thursday morning and generated numerous criticisms from multiple countries. Among the main criticisms, the lack of a specific amount stands out, considering that the main focus this year is financing. The document aims to...

Two out of three people request stricter environmental policies

Two out of three people in Argentina agree that "more strict environmental policies are needed to address the climate crisis." This is revealed by a recent study conducted by the Humanitarian Observatory of the Argentine Red Cross, in collaboration with...

Córdoba is the most deforested province and they are calling for a modification of the native forest law to allow more livestock farming.

Córdoba is the most deforested province, and rural entities in the Northwest Arc insist on their claim for a debate on the territorial planning of the native forest to modify protected areas and expand the cattle frontier. This proposal has...

Dinamarca anunció la plantación de 1.000 millones de árboles.

The authorities of **Denmark** are working on measures to help the environment, including (https://noticiasambientales.com/medio-ambiente/aumenta-el-50-la-plantacion-anual-de-arboles-en-la-ciudad/). This decision was described by the country's government as "the biggest change in the Danish landscape in over 100 years". However, this was not the only...

Just as dirty as before: cleaning a ditch that didn’t last 48 hours

There are many municipalities and towns in the country that are responsible for cleaning their streets, making it a true state policy. This is the case of the Municipality of Rafaela, Santa Fe, which carried out a four-day cleaning...

Rising sea level: 20 million people will have to leave the Mediterranean coast

The rise in sea level will cause a real catastrophe if urgent measures are not taken. According to a report on climate and risks in coastal areas of the Mediterranean by the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change...

A man is arrested with 320 tarantulas attached to his body.

The authorities found a species of tarantula attached to his body the size of a hand. These animals, which are sold as pets, apparently were extracted from Madre de Dios. A Korean citizen was intercepted while trying to leave Peru...

A sewage spill in the lake raises concerns in Carlos Paz.

A serious sewage spill in the Costa Azul neighborhood, in the city of Carlos Paz, in Córdoba, is deeply worrying the residents. It involves hundreds of thousands of liters of substances without any kind of treatment. The spill occurred on...

Negotiations at COP29: still no definitions and debates continue

Discussions and negotiations at COP29, the Climate Summit taking place in Azerbaijan, continue and the debate revolves around the role that G20 countries should assume but have not yet taken on. This group brings together the most powerful nations in...

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New vertical wind turbine with a system that allows for installation on any support.

French engineers have developed a new vertical-axis wind turbine with synchronized blades, an optimized structure, and a universal mounting...