Santiago del Estero leads deforestation in Argentina.

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According to the environmental organization Greenpeace, in 2024 nearly 150,000 hectares of forests were lost in the northern part of the country, 10% more than the previous year. Santiago del Estero was the most affected province, with 54,123 hectares deforested, followed by Chaco, Formosa, and Salta.

The organization denounces that the majority of these deforestations are illegal and occur with the complicity of officials. It also warns about the environmental impact of deforestation: it worsens climate change, causes floods, desertification, displacement of communities, and loss of biodiversity.

Forest fires also contributed to the destruction, with 29,763 hectares burned in 2024. In total, combining deforestations and fires, Santiago del Estero lost 55,913 hectares of forests.

Greenpeace demands that the destruction of these spaces be penalized with jail time and calls on citizens to join the campaign carried out on the website, where more than 260,000 people have already participated.

![Deforestation in the Argentine North](×200.jpg)

## What is deforestation and what are its consequences?

Deforestation is the logging of trees or burning of forests to make room for other activities. It is a serious environmental problem that has irreversible consequences for the planet.

The consequences of deforestation are:
– **Global warming:** Forests absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, but when they are cut down, this gas remains in the air and causes the greenhouse effect.
– **Loss of biodiversity:** This practice destroys the habitats of thousands of plant and animal species.
– **Economic and environmental instability:** Forests are a source of raw materials, fuel, and medicines.
– **Alteration of the water cycle:** Deforesting forests leaves soils unprotected from erosion, not to mention that these green spaces nourish sources of fresh water.

The causes of deforestation are:
– Unsustainable agriculture, such as palm oil and soy production
– Construction of infrastructure
– Mining
– Urbanization
– Forest fires
– Diseases and parasites affecting trees

To prevent deforestation, actions can be taken such as consuming more responsibly, practicing reforestation and agroforestry, as well as implementing forest carbon projects.

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