
Tracking program records condor flights: 400 kilometers in two days

During 2024, flight patterns of condors at high altitudes covering extensive distances were detected and recorded. These condors were released and monitored using a satellite detection system. The data was collected last year by the Manku Project, in collaboration with...

The Child: what is the tool that will help prevent its effects

The phenomenon of El Niño, caused by the abnormal warming of the Pacific Ocean, generates intense rainfall, droughts, desertification, forest fires, and other disasters. These conditions impact the availability of food, promote the spread of diseases, and exacerbate the...

Lung cancer sees 8% decrease, but cases related to suspended particles on the rise

Suspended particles are microscopic elements that float in the air, composed of solid and liquid substances. They have a wide variety of sizes and are a mixture of substances of both organic and inorganic origin. These particles, also known as...

Lung cancer: what role do emissions play

Air quality, with **natural particles** in suspension and those that are **product of emissions**, play a fundamental role in health and in the causes of **lung cancer**. While researchers at the **University of Miami, United States**, revealed a decrease in...

New variety of the world’s most venomous spider discovered in Australia

The Atrax christenseni, a large spider with potent venom, was identified after years of research. Its discovery represents a milestone in the study of Australian arachnids. Australian scientists announced the discovery of a new species of funnel-web spider, known as...

The mystery behind octopuses’ control over their eight tentacles is revealed.

Have you ever wondered how do octopuses control their tentacles? It's not a simple challenge. Each of their eight arms is a muscular hydrostat, that is, a soft-bodied structure that lacks a rigid skeleton and moves with almost infinite...

The Octopuses and the Extraordinary Skill of Their Tentacles

The octopus, a cephalopod invertebrate known for its eight tentacles and its ability to camouflage, has a unique ability to move its limbs with astonishing precision, such as the extraordinary dexterity of its tentacles. These limbs, covered by two...

Brazil: Illegal gold mining releases carbon into the atmosphere and contaminates soil with mercury

The impacts of illegal gold mining in Brazil are enormous and can be traced in a long chain that affects nature, biodiversity, and human health. The government and science are still understanding the extent of this damage, with the contribution...

A study reveals that the acidification of the North Atlantic is accelerating.

The subpolar region of the North Atlantic has experienced faster acidification rates over the last ten years compared to previous decades, revealing a change in the physical patterns of the ocean. This is what emerges from a study led by...

The biodiversity of trees drives fish richness in the Amazon.

According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the species richness of fish in the Amazon is determined by factors such as the extent of the flooded forest,...

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The melting of glaciers accelerates the loss of fresh water

In the last two decades, glaciers around the world lost approximately 5% of their total volume, with a significant...