
Sustainable Houses in the Caribbean: Mud, Grass, Plastic and Glass

On the island of Trinidad, a project led by Wa Samaki Ecosystems is redefining the approach to sustainable housing construction through the use of recycled materials and natural materials such as clay, grass, plastic, and glass. These techniques aim...

Living on the edge of danger: houses built on risky slopes in Bolivia

Surrounded by built and destroyed homes on a hillside in La Paz (Bolivia), at the end of a collapsed avenue turned into an abyss, lives Cristóbal Quispe, a 74-year-old Aymara small merchant who witnessed the collapse of hundreds of...

Últimas noticias

The link between climate, biodiversity, and water: Protecting ecosystem services in South America.

In recent years, unprecedented forest fires have devastated various regions of the world affecting ecosystem services. This includes Australia...