
Under the moonlight, white owls become practically invisible.

A multidisciplinary team of scientists has investigated the night camouflage of white owls and has concluded that they become "invisible" in the moonlight, managing to camouflage themselves both when acting as predators and when they feel like prey. This striking...

Operation in Corrientes: Parrot and Owl Chicks Rescued from Illegal Sale

During a joint operation carried out in the town of Esquina, the Corrientes Police rescued wild owl chicks and parrot chicks kept in captivity. The Rural and Ecological Security Directorate, in collaboration with Natural Resources, acted at a residence located...

Monogamy in nature: inspiring cases that make you believe in love

There is monogamy in the animal kingdom. Although it may seem strange, many species remain faithful to their partners for life, sharing tasks and creating special bonds. Discover some fascinating cases of monogamy in the animal kingdom: Barn Owl Barn owls are...

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A turquoise paradise between Catamarca and Tucumán: the Aguada del Cobre river.

At the border between Catamarca and Tucumán, there is a corner of extraordinary beauty that seems to be taken...