Nevado Ojos del Salado: the world’s highest volcano is located in Catamarca

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With an altitude of **6,891 meters above sea level**, the Ojos del Salado Volcano holds the title of being the highest volcano in the world. Located in the imposing **Andes Mountain Range**, this colossus is situated in the Argentine province of **Catamarca** and the Chilean region of **Atacama**, symbolizing the geological and natural richness shared between Argentina and Chile.

Situated in one of the most arid and elevated regions on the planet, the **Puna de Atacama**, the Ojos del Salado Volcano **attracts adventurers and scientists from all over the world**. Its proximity to towns like **Fiambalá** (Argentina) and **Copiapó** (Chile) facilitates access to this destination. However, its **extreme conditions**, with temperatures ranging from 18°C during the day to -15°C at night, make its exploration a real challenge. Moreover, winds can exceed 100 km/h, adding another level of difficulty for those who dare to climb it.

The impressive volcano stands out not only for its towering height but also for its **double summit**. Two rocky peaks rise at its summit, separated by just 60 meters. Although studies conducted in 2003 determined that **the Chilean summit is five centimeters higher than the Argentine one**, this difference is irrelevant in mountaineering terms, with both summits considered to be of equal altitude.

But these peculiarities are not the only ones, as despite being at **6,390 meters above sea level**, it **houses the highest lake in the world**, a small body of water that represents life’s ability to adapt to extreme conditions.

![El Nevado Ojos del Salado es el volcán más alto del mundo. Foto: Wikipedia.](×225.jpg)

## History and Volcanic Formation
The Ojos del Salado Volcano is a **stratovolcano**, a conical formation characteristic of the Andes, **composed of layers of hardened lava and pyroclastic materials**. Although its last recorded eruption occurred around the year 1300, fumaroles in its vicinity suggest it maintains latent geothermal activity. Its name comes from the nearby **Salado River** in Chile, and not from a salt flat as commonly believed, distinguishing it from other formations in the region.

Visible along a 60-kilometer volcanic chain connecting the **San Francisco Border Crossing** and the **Tres Cruces Volcano**, the Ojos del Salado serves as a reference point for explorers, scientists, and mountaineers. Furthermore, its access from both sides of the border makes it a symbol of cooperation between Argentina and Chile, as well as an icon of the natural diversity that the Andes offer.

With its **unique landscapes and the challenge of its extreme climate**, the Ojos del Salado Volcano remains **a geological wonder** that unites two nations and attracts global attention, establishing itself as a must-visit destination for mountaineering and scientific research.

![El Nevado Ojos del Salado posee tres récords mundiales. Foto: Google Maps.](×173.jpg)

## A Volcano with Three World Records
In addition to holding the title of the world’s highest volcano, the Ojos del Salado Volcano is also known worldwide for **having two other world records: one achieved by humans and another by nature**. The first was accomplished by Gonzalo Bravo and Eduardo Canales Moya, two adventurers from Chile who obtained the necessary permits to climb the mountain, and on April 21, 2007, **broke the world record for altitude in a vehicle**.

Riding in a four-wheel-drive vehicle, these two adventurers managed to **climb the volcano to 6,688 meters above sea level**, surpassing the previous record set at the same location by 42 meters.

Lastly, **the second record belongs to a small lake located near the summit**. Despite being unnamed, it is considered the highest lake on the planet as it sits at 6,390 meters above sea level.

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