Five alternatives to replace traditional plastic bags

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Traditional plastic bags for shopping have been questioned and replaced in recent years. However, plastic, as a material, remains the biggest pollutant in the oceans and only a small percentage is successfully recycled.

Therefore, the habitat of many species and the health of the planet are constantly endangered.

Even the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates that there are already more than 150 million tons of plastic in the oceans. The projection for 2050 is that the figure will increase to 12,000 million tons if the current pace of waste continues.

Some of the most dramatic consequences are the deaths of more than 100,000 marine animals due to this type of pollution, with around 700 threatened species.

Five alternatives to traditional plastic bags

plastic bags for garbage Plastic bags can now be set aside.

1. Fabric bags

A good habit is to carry a fabric bag in your purse, backpack, or even in the car to use for quick everyday shopping. Its use can be extended for about eight years.

2. Shopping carts

Using the old and classic shopping cart that previous generations used. It allows you to carry a weekly purchase and transport it easily. And a single shopping cart can last up to 15 years.

3. Paper bags

Paper bags are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable. They are also structurally designed to withstand the same weight and pressure as a plastic bag.

The return to traditional bags.

4. Compostable bags

They are the least harmful alternative for the environment if we do not take into account what their massive use would entail. They are almost entirely made of biodegradable materials that, in addition, degrade at a faster rate in a composting plant, becoming compost entirely.

5. Cardboard boxes

Cardboard boxes are made from cellulose, just like paper bags. Therefore, they have similar characteristics when decomposing.

One advantage of cardboard boxes is that they can be reused, they come in all shapes and sizes, and besides being resistant and durable, they are also recyclable.

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