Le cortaron la cola a un tiburón y se grabaron para burlarse en las redes sociales

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Un video que tiene como protagonistas a dos hombres y un tiburón comenzó a circular en las redes sociales: en las imágenes se los ve a ambos pescadores maltratando al animal solo por diversión y hasta se burlan de él. El hecho ocurrió en una de las costas de Groenlandia, cuando navegaban en su barco pesquero. Uno de ellos cogió al tiburón y le cortó la cola, mientras que el otro grababa y se reía.



???????? Yet again I’m left speechless with the commercial fishing community and its lack of respect for #marinelife. Two fishermen recorded and laughed as another cuts off the tail (caudal fin) of what looks like a Greenland Shark. One of the fisherman can be heard yelling “Good luck trying to swim, you bastard” while the other laughs as the mutilated #shark tries to escape. #GreenlandSharks live to between 300-500 years old but don’t reach breeding age until about 150. It’s also speculated that populations number are low as the shark is fished for its liver oil in the #Scandinavian region. Thankfully the men were promptly fired from their jobs on board. It also seems that the men broke several laws and could face up to a million ISK (roughly $11600 AUD) in fines on animal cruelty charges… hardly enough for that horrific act in my opinion. @oceanskeepers . . . . . . #greenland #greenlandshark #sharkeducation #sharkconservation #saveshark #saveoursharks #fishing #commercialfishing #animalcruelty #stopanimalcruelty #oceanskeepers #iceland
Una publicación compartida de Oceans’ Keepers ???? Save Sharks (@oceanskeepers) el 30 May, 2019 a las 4:04 PDT

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