A bill aims to ban the importation of hunting trophies

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Having **trophy hunting** implies the killing of wild animals to exhibit their bodies as trophies. This practice is still present in various parts of the world, although it is also highly questioned.

In this context, several legislators, led by Deputy **Soledad Carrizo**, presented a bill in Congress to ban the import of hunting trophies.

Despite **conservation efforts** in many countries, this activity threatens vulnerable species, **damaging ecosystems and offering few to no benefits** to local communities.

### “Death suitcases”: propose to ban the import of hunting trophies
![The project seeks to ban the import of hunting trophies. (Photo: Britta Jaschinski).](https://storage.googleapis.com/media-cloud-na/2024/12/Foto-de-Britta-Jaschinski_Ashtray_Stool_LR.jpeg)

At a time when **biodiversity is in crisis**, it is considered vital that this issue is brought to the public agenda.

This project aligns with the foundations discussed during the **COP16 on biodiversity** held in Cali, Colombia. There, the need to work collaboratively among countries on the illegal trafficking of species within the framework of the **Biodiversity Treaty** was addressed.

Among other aspects, the project points out that international trophy hunting has **direct and indirect negative impacts** cascading on both people and wildlife.

“It promotes the **corruption of institutional behavior**, biological and ecological degradation and exhaustion, obstruction to innovation and investment in alternative resource industries, and the institutionalization of social injustices in many states in the distribution area,” the promoters stated.

*”It is the **irresponsible exploitation** of animal biodiversity, in pursuit of short-term benefit for a very minority group,”* said **Kai Pacha** from the organization **Pumakawa**.

### What’s happening worldwide
Additionally, during the “trophy” preparation process, potentially hazardous waste is generated for the **animal, human, and environmental ecosystem**.

According to the statements, “Argentina is the fifth world exporter, the **third importer in Latin America**, and the 15th consumer of hunting trophies of mammal species threatened by overexploitation through trade,” highlighted **Juan Pessini** from the NGO **Eco House**.

“This implies cascading consequences for the **genetic integrity and survival** of the target species and the health of ecosystems,” he emphasized.

Globally, there has been a significant shift away from the trophy hunting industry. Many countries, such as **Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Singapore**, South Sudan, and others, already prohibit trophy hunting and/or trade entirely or to a significant extent.

In Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, the Netherlands, the United States, and others, there are **some national commercial restrictions** for hunting trophies, aligned with **CITES** (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

At a global level, the **United States is the main importer** of these trophies.

*”It is not conservation, it is human cruelty towards animals in conditions of total disadvantage. The only motivation is the vanity of the hunter. Animals suffer unnecessarily, cruelly murdered with methods that do not guarantee a quick and humane death,”* highlighted **Marina Rathford** from **Humane Society International (HSI)**.

The **UK Parliament** voted to ban the import of trophies from **endangered species in 2022**, although the measure still faces challenges.

**Italy** is also considering similar restrictions. However, globally, *”the **lack of consensus and pressure** from the hunting industry continue to delay a more widespread ban,”* organizations noted.

### The role of the private sector
![What are hunting trophies. (Photo: Britta Jaschinski).](https://storage.googleapis.com/media-cloud-na/2024/12/Foto-de-Britta-Jaschinski_Throhies_Can_Fuel_The_Demand_For_Horns_L.jpeg)

The private industry has also positioned itself as a **global leader in sustainability and environmental responsibility**. Currently, 45 transport companies prohibit the transportation of some or all hunting trophies.

In this regard, in our country, **Aerolíneas Argentinas** prohibits the transport of hunting trophies on all company flights, both domestic and international.

Within this framework, **Humane Society International**, a leading animal protection organization, carries out awareness-raising actions. They seek to make states understand the importance of ending the entry of these trophies and stopping their commercialization.

### “The macabre business of trophy hunting”
![“The macabre business of trophy hunting”. (Photo: Britta Jaschinski).](https://storage.googleapis.com/media-cloud-na/2024/12/Foto-de-Britta-Jaschinski_Pencil_Holder_LR.jpeg)

*”The macabre business of trophy hunting,”* featuring photographs by award-winning photojournalist Britta Jaschinski, is an example of these actions.

It is a **temporary photographic exhibition** that promotes impact in political sectors, supporting legislative initiatives to ban the import of hunting trophies.

The first exhibition was recently **inaugurated in Rome**, at the prestigious location of the **Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament**. It was then also held in **Warsaw**, directed at the Polish Parliament.

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