Outrageous: Parrots were being painted with chemicals to sell them as exotic birds

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Wildlife trafficking is the fourth largest illegal trade in the world. Recently, an unusual case was detected in the province of Buenos Aires, where parrots were painted with chemicals to be sold as exotic birds.

The case was discovered when agents from the “Sur” Highway Security Squadron of the Gendarmerie were performing routine checks at kilometer 7 of the Buenos Aires-La Plata highway.

At the Avellaneda toll booth, they stopped a van to inspect what was in the back and found the birds cramped in cardboard boxes.

Painted parrots with chemicals: how the case was detected

With barely a hole to breathe, there were nearly 100 parrots ready to be transported to a new destination.

Upon inspection, as reported by Clarín, most of them did not have the usual appearance (they are characterized by entirely green plumage) but had some of their feathers colored yellow.

Finally, it was discovered that they had been dyed with chemicals on the upper body and head feathers to make them appear to be of an exotic species. This was done to sell them for a higher value in the illegal market.

According to reports from the Gendarmerie, most of these animals had wounds and varying levels of damage to their skin and eyes due to the use of these products that are not suitable for animals.

Additionally, they did not have access to food or water, so they were dehydrated and malnourished. Not to mention the high level of stress throughout the process.

These parrots in particular belong to the species Myiopsitta monachus, also known as the monk parakeet, which usually inhabit parks and squares in large quantities and coexist independently with pigeons and doves.

The condition of the birds

It is believed that most of the rescued parrots had not been bred in captivity but rather captured in green spaces.

They will be transferred to specialized centers to assess the health status of each one and the possibilities of rehabilitating them to return to live in the wild. This will be the responsibility of the Ecological Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, dedicated to these types of cases.

How the case progresses

The only person detained, according to reports, was the van driver. However, it is believed that he belonged to an organization involving more people.

He is being investigated for violating the Law 22,421 on Wildlife Conservation. According to the regulations, and depending on the degree of involvement and role of the individual, the penalty can range from two months to three years in prison.

Legal wildlife trade in Argentina

Wildlife trade in Argentina is regulated and not prohibited. There are authorized wildlife breeders controlled by environmental agencies.

However, certain species are prohibited from trade and transit.

More than 100 bird species, 20 reptile species, and 15 mammal species in Argentina are affected by this trafficking, with around 20 species in threat categories.

**[If you want to know more about this topic, visit Noticias Ambientales.](https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/trafico-ilegal-de-fauna-datos-fundamentales-para-entender-el-problema/)**

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