Why do pet abandonments increase in summer?

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With summer, not only do we get new vacation and beach plans, but alarming data is also revealed, as is the case with domestic animals. It has been confirmed that pet abandonments increase during this time.

“The lack of social awareness regarding the term ‘responsible ownership,’ combined with the lack of spaying/neutering throughout the year, leads to a significant increase in cases of abandonment of dogs and cats during the summer,” warns the College of Veterinarians of the province of Buenos Aires (CVPBA).

“Generating a crisis that not only affects animals but also society as a whole,” they emphasize.

Pet Abandonment in Summer: Causes

According to the College, animal abandonment is due to various reasons. Some include unwanted litters, behavioral issues, economic difficulties, changes in residence, lack of interest from owners, and untimely spaying/neutering.

In the case of the summer season, the Chamber of Companies for Traffic Violation Control and Administration of the Argentine Republic (Cecaitra), responsible for bringing together traffic software producing companies, adds one more cause, as reported by Infoeme.

mascotas en situación de calle Pets in street situations.

It involves the inability to transport them or to leave them in someone else’s care.

A survey conducted in more than 1800 households in Buenos Aires City and Greater Buenos Aires, cited by the College of Veterinarians, found that 54% of those surveyed agreed that “the difficulty of traveling with a pet when going on vacation increases pet abandonment in summer.”

Call to Action

In this regard, the CVPBA calls for a joint effort from society “to eradicate animal abandonment and promote a culture of care and respect for them.”

Thus promoting education, awareness, responsible ownership, and also safe spaying/neutering.

“Adopting a pet and incorporating it into the family is a decision of great responsibility and must be supported by public policies that guarantee animal welfare and prevent animal abuse,” they encourage.

The College points out that to effectively address the issue, two fundamental pillars are essential: awareness and education, complemented by surgical sterilization.

Abandonment of pets. Abandonment of pets.

These measures require a coordinated and long-term effort involving society demanding low-cost safe spaying/neutering and governments at all levels, ensuring this possibility through health measures for animal health and welfare.

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