Ideas for homemade recipes to combat mosquitoes

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With the summer season just around the corner, mosquitoes become a common nuisance.

Moreover, the high prices of commercial repellents further complicate the situation. However, there are some homemade recipes that can help us combat mosquitoes and enjoy the summer.


Citronella is a popular option. It can be found in candles and in liquid form to spray. Having some pots with citronella by the windows can help repel these insects.


Another option is lavender. It can be kept in pots indoors, or lavender oil can be used before going out to keep mosquitoes away.

Incense and Candles

Incense and candles, besides decorating the house, can work as a mosquito shield. It’s important that the incense is plant-based.


Cinnamon can also serve as an insect repellent. Making cinnamon oil is easy with items we have at home.

Lemon and Clove

The combination of lemon and clove is another effective option. Simply cut the lemon in half and insert a few cloves. The halves can be placed near the bed or sofa.

Water and Vinegar

The mixture of water and vinegar can also work to combat mosquitoes. Placing a glass near doors and windows is enough to keep insects at bay.

Foods Rich in Vitamin B

According to experts, consuming foods rich in vitamin B generates enzymes that do not attract mosquitoes and can be allies to repel them.

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