Ecuador: New critically endangered harlequin toad species discovered

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A team of national and international scientists, led by the National Biodiversity Institute (Inabio) of Ecuador, discovered **[a new species](** of harlequin toad in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The species, named *Atelopus colomai*, has particular characteristics, such as a black back with circles, dots, or asymmetrical lines of yellowish-green color.

However, what catches attention are its sides, where it presents **a yellowish-green reticulation, similar to foam**, forming a band from above the eye to the groin, with numerous black rounded marks.

On the other hand, **its cream-colored belly and lips bordered by a thin black line** are distinctive and not to be overlooked, as well as the sides of its belly, transitioning from yellowish-green reticulation with numerous black dots to the throat.

This species **inhabits lowland rainforests** near streams and rivers in the provinces of Orellana and Pastaza, between the Napo and Pastaza rivers. Although recently discovered, it is already endangered. This animal **has entered the Red List of Threatened Species** of the **[International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)](**, as it has only been found in six defined locations, which are severely fragmented and threatened by pollution, agriculture, deforestation, among others.

![Nueva especie descubierta en Ecuador. Foto: EFE Verde.](×169.jpeg)

## Habitat and Behavior of the New Species
This new species surprised scientists for a particular reason: **its strange behavior**. **Males are more active during the day**, especially after morning rains or at sunset, and are usually found on branches, fallen trunks, and rocks up to 1.5 meters above the ground, remaining **inactive**.

On the other hand, they discovered that **females can only be found at night**, sleeping on leaves or in bromeliad axils 1 to 5 meters above the ground. They also observed metamorphosis in September, leading researchers to believe that their reproduction may occur throughout the year.

## **[Its Conservation Status](**
Over the past 40 years, these harlequin toads have experienced **unprecedented declines in their populations** and **possible extinctions**, as there are more than 100 species, many of which have not yet been described. Since then, their conservation status has not improved, leading them to be considered the most representative example of the precipitous declines in amphibians.

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