
They determine that Bird Flu spreads through the air

A recent study conducted in the Czech Republic suggests that the H5N1 avian influenza virus, highly contagious, could be transmitted through the air under certain environmental conditions. The research, carried out by government veterinarians, analyzed an outbreak on a poultry...

Birds of paradise with striking and glow-in-the-dark feathers

The birds of paradise not only captivate with their plumage and dances, but they also shine in the darkness in an unexpected way: through biofluorescence. A recent study analyzed 45 species and discovered that almost all of them exhibit this...

The 5 animal species seeking lifelong partners

Animals can also be monogamous. In fact, many species seek a partner, just like humans. From small rodents to marine creatures. Here are 5 species that seek partners and form families forever. Gibbons (Hylobatidae) Gibbons, primates native to the tropical jungles of...

Freedom Regained in La Pampa: Yellow Cardinals and Land Tortoises

Specimens of **land turtle** and **yellow cardinal** are being released back into the wild in the fields of the Utracán and Puelén departments (La Pampa). These animals ( and confiscations, as part of the recovery efforts of the General...

Bird rescue ramps: the measure aiming to save hundreds of specimens

In an effort to save the lives of hundreds of specimens, they will install bird rescue ramps in San Luis. This will be done as part of a campaign that seeks to protect animals that drown in Australian tanks. The...

Iberá continues to be populated: 3 macaw chicks were born.

The **Rewilding Argentina Foundation** announced this Tuesday the birth of three **scarlet macaw** chicks in (, in Corrientes. The new members were named Tupá, Arawi, and Copán. The birds will join the **reintroduction of the scarlet macaw** in the North...

San Luis: Simultaneous census of shorebirds in water bodies carried out.

From January 26th to February 6th, the COA Ñandú, in collaboration with Aves Argentinas, carried out a census of shorebirds in the province of San Luis to evaluate populations and threats they face. The Villa Mercedes Birdwatchers Club, known as...

A census of waterfowl was conducted at Lake Puelo for species conservation.

In order to preserve the biodiversity of the area, local authorities conducted a census of waterfowl at Lago Puelo. The activity is carried out twice a year. This allows for a close monitoring of the species that inhabit the aquatic...

27 rehabilitated birds released in protected areas of Villa de Merlo.

In an emotional act of double liberation, the protected natural area of 'Mogote Bayo' and the private reserve 'Don Félix y Sacha Juan', in Villa de Merlo (San Luis), experienced a unique moment with the release of 27 rehabilitated...

Santiago del Estero: Bird believed lost for 86 years found

In a recent expedition carried out by enthusiasts in Santiago del Estero, they detected a bird that was believed to be lost for 86 years. It is the Cinnamon Tachuri: a specimen that measures between 8 and 10 centimeters. The...

Últimas noticias

Mar Chiquita Lagoon: Endangered Species Found in the Green Lung of Córdoba

A recent study in the Ansenusa Bay, within the Mar Chiquita Lagoon, revealed the presence of 22 species of...