A report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reveals that nearly half of the species of reef-building corals living in tropical waters are in danger of extinction.
## Impact of Climate Change and Other Threats
The increase in...
In Baja California Sur (Mexico), the Mangrove Threat Index (IAM) has been developed, a scientific tool that evaluates the vulnerability and loss of mangroves to human activities to anticipate their deterioration and focus on their conservation.
Created by researchers led...
Animals are extraordinary builders, creating nests, tunnels, and caves perfectly designed.
Here are some ingenious examples of these "architects of nature":
Cozy Love Nest
Male Asian bowerbirds build a pergola with grass and twigs to attract females. Decorated with colorful flowers, berries,...
The project 'Consolidation of the Urban Wetland Mapocho Ecological Trail in Talagante as a tool for the development of regenerative cultures', led by the organization Front of River and supported by the Regenerative Common Fund of Lepe Foundation, seeks...
The magnitude of the ocean houses some of the largest living animals on the planet. These creatures, in addition to impressing with their size, are vital for the balance of marine ecosystems, acting as indicators of the health of...
On November 8th, the event "Allies for Water: public-private collaboration, innovation, and Nature-based Solutions in the Sierras de Córdoba" will take place.
Concerned about the strong evidence showing a progressive loss of hydrological regulation service, which will be intensified by...
During this weekend, a **(https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/nueva-zelanda-prohibira-las-carreras-de-galgos-por-riesgos-a-la-vida-de-los-animales/)** was dismantled in **San Juan**. The activity is prohibited in the province, and as...