Endangered species

In West Africa, efforts are underway to save the dwarf crocodile from extinction

In the depths of the tropical forests of West Africa, an urgent struggle is taking place to safeguard the dwarf crocodile, an enigmatic species currently critically endangered. This small reptile, unique for its compact size and adaptability, is a symbol...

Biological corridors: saving the big felines of Latin America

Felines, with their grace, elusive behavior, and hunting skills, have captivated several biologists, artists, and poets for centuries. From the small domestic cat to the imposing big cats, these animals have become important actors in the history of the...

Snail population in Morocco restored with the release of 1,329 specimens believed to be extinct.

The Portuguese archipelago of Madeira has been the stage for a remarkable conservation effort aiming to reverse centuries of ecological damage. The protagonists of this story are the population of small land snails, no bigger than a pea, that...

DNA data would be crucial to save the hawksbill turtle

The shell of the **hawksbill turtle**, admired for centuries for its elegance, became a symbol of luxury that **brought this species to the brink of extinction**. Smithsonian Magazine highlighted how **indiscriminate hunting**, combined with the impact of **climate change**,...

23 yellow cardinals released with the help of experts from Entre Ríos

Experts from Entre Ríos and various organizations released 23 yellow cardinals in a private nature reserve in the north of San Luis. This action is part of an effort to protect this threatened species, declared a Provincial Natural Monument...

This species of lizard has been saved from extinction thanks to a successful ecological restoration effort.

There are places in the world where biodiversity is so vast that they must be preserved with all our efforts. One of these exceptional places is Sombrero Island, which belongs to the territory of Anguilla. On this island, a...

Alarm in the Amazon: Charapa turtle births decrease by 50%

The Amazon, a treasure of unique biodiversity, faces a new environmental crisis threatening the survival of one of its most representative species: the charapa turtles (Podocnemis expansa). In the last year, the births of turtles of this species in...

How to prevent the extinction of the pangolin, the most trafficked animal on the planet

In the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal, a crucial effort is being made to protect the most trafficked animal on the planet: **the pangolin**. This **(https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/curiosidades-sobre-el-pangolin-que-quiza-no-conocias/)**, often compared to armadillos, stands out not only for its peculiar appearance but...

An animal reappeared that was believed to be extinct since 1936.

An astonishing discovery shook the world of biology: the eyeless golden mole reappeared, an animal that had been believed to be extinct for 80 years. The natural habitat of the species consists of the dark depths of the soils in...

This is the Darwin’s frog, a unique species in danger of extinction.

The Darwin's frog, which inhabits a region in Argentina and Chile, is a unique species with very special characteristics. However, it is in danger of extinction and that's why it's essential to preserve it. It is one of the inhabitants...

Últimas noticias

A turquoise paradise between Catamarca and Tucumán: the Aguada del Cobre river.

At the border between Catamarca and Tucumán, there is a corner of extraordinary beauty that seems to be taken...