During the last years, an unusual event raised the alarms of experts in coastal regions, as for some time, **the beaches in Buenos Aires have been suffering from (https://noticiasambientales.com/medio-ambiente/la-costa-bonaerense-pierde-un-metro-de-playa-cada-ano-por-la-erosion/)**. This is due to the fact that over time, coastal...
According to experts, pollution occurs when harmful substances or elements are introduced into an environment, disrupting its natural balance. These pollutants can vary in their impact, depending on their toxicity and concentration. Although it is often associated with human...
The Composting Plant "Los Cantiles," located in the Valdemingómez Technology Park, is now operating at full capacity, setting a milestone in sustainable waste management in Madrid. The construction of this infrastructure first required the demolition of the old MSW...
Rubber went from being a simple natural raw material to become a solution to drive sustainable economy in the Amazon. An example of this is Renato Cordeiro, who with the first lights of the day on the Amazonian island...
The sales of **(https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/en-san-luis-liberaron-aves-nativas-un-aguila-mora-y-un-jote/)** in **China** experienced a **more than 40% increase last year**, as reported by a sector federation on Thursday, highlighting the sustained growth of an industry supported by the government.
Between January and December 2024, retail sales...
In the 22nd Ordinary Session of the 146th Legislative Period, a **Law in Córdoba** was approved that establishes sanctioning provisions in **water**, **environmental**, and **natural resources** matters. This change implies the modification of the powers of the **Environmental Police**...
The Las Lancitas Provincial Natural Reserve, located in Palma Sola, 139 kilometers from San Salvador de Jujuy, has added a new tourist corridor: the Mangrullo Trail. This space aims to enhance tourism in the region, integrating nature, sustainability, and...
Plastic pollution is one of the most concerning environmental issues in many countries, like Ecuador, which has planned to clean up the plastic from the Galapagos Islands and they are succeeding. Galapagos Guardians is a project dedicated to preserving...
Humanity is facing a severe crisis: it generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tons of municipal solid waste per year. A large part of these wastes, from food waste and plastics to electronic products and textiles, emit greenhouse...