The devastating wildfires in California, which ravaged entire communities and caused multimillion-dollar losses, once again brought to the forefront the need to prioritize prevention to address this increasingly frequent and intense phenomenon. Additionally, climate change combined with changes in...
During the 20th edition of the World Economic Forum, known as the Davos Forum, the Global Risks Report was presented, offering a worrying view of the world panorama, highlighting a context marked by geopolitical, social, technological crises, and especially...
Antarctic tourism has experienced a boom in recent years, and the remote continent attracts a record number of tourists. In 2024, the astonishing figure of 122,000 people who traveled to Antarctica represented a huge increase compared to the 44,000...
The interconnection between plants, animals, and ecosystems forms the "web of life," an essential structure that sustains the survival and well-being of all living beings, including humans. This structure acts as an ecological safety net that, if deteriorated, jeopardizes...
The environmental crisis in the Mediterranean is rapidly intensifying due to factors such as population growth, pollution, climate change, and uncontrolled human activity. According to the recent report MED 2050 by Plan Bleu, what was previously projected as warming...
The silo bags that once protected grains under the sun and plastic containers destined for the trash find a new life in **Bolsa Red**, a sustainable fashion venture born in Puerto Madryn. With 95% recycled materials, this brand founded...
On the island of Trinidad, a project led by Wa Samaki Ecosystems is redefining the approach to sustainable housing construction through the use of recycled materials and natural materials such as clay, grass, plastic, and glass. These techniques aim...
São Paulo's Metro has signed a long-term contract with CGN Brasil and Pontoon Energia to produce its own renewable energy, which will supply lines 1-Blue, 2-Green, 3-Red, and 15-Silver. In this way, the energy will be generated at the...
Are humans intelligent enough to understand animal intelligence? This is the question that primatologist Frans de Waal raised in one of his books on ethology. Far from being trivial, the question puts into perspective a revealing finding: over 50...
Andrés García Gasca is an inspiring example of resilience and creativity in the world of entrepreneurship. Despite facing a significant setback when he was expelled from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, he turned that setback into an opportunity to innovate...